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[AC Syndicate] A Thorne in the Side [Non-Lethal / Target Only]

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Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

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Sequence 6, Memory "A Thorne in the Side" from Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Lucy Thorne Assassinated and area escaped with no other Kills and no Detects before the Assassination.
* * *
1) No Kills or Knockouts except Targets, unless Required.
2) No Detects except upon Assassination Moment
- Awareness Meters are allowed.
- I will try to avoid being detected during Assassinations as well, but if it's necessary, it's fine.
- Wear the Upgraded Beer Collector Belt for Jacob and the Upgraded Aegis Cloak for Evie.
4) No Side Objectives
5) No HUD except Awareness Meters and Tool Indicator

Although this is a cool idea for a mission, this one in particular is probably the worst so far for playing Non-Lethally. Assassin's Creed overall isn't designed to be played this way to begin with, but this mission specifically makes it even tougher than the others. Pretty much the only real way to beat it without Knock-Outs and without touching anyone else (except for the two guards I bump out of the way when entering) is to cheese it with Smoke Bombs. Just like in Unity, they're extremely powerful in this game for creating small zones in which you're invisible. I get Detected during the Escape - I think this is the first time that's really happened in this playlist so far. It happens again in the next video, but I still haven't broken my Rule of "No Detects before the Assassination Moment."