So I was looking through the AC1 manual today, because I can't stop checking the case to see if the lost disc was magically back in its place. Sadly, it wasn't. I remembered how the manual had some interesting notes Vidic wrote to Lucy. At the end of the manual, Vidic sends an e-mail about Desmond arriving, but also states, "...I've recieved news of a security employee starting today. Make sure he doesn't forget to record our sessions and every move the subject makes."
As we all know, you were able to press any button during the Abstergo cutscenes to get another angle, but is this an important part of the AC trilogy? I just think it's interesting that he mentions the employee as if it's truly important.
Hmm. I suppose it's just a reference to the fact that there are security cameras and that they are meant to record Desmond both day and night. Other references to the security cameras:
The ability to select multiple camera angles at Abstergo feels unrelated to the security cameras. The closed circuit TV view is of lower quality - like watching a VHS tape. Step into Desmond's shower to experience it.
Yeah after I put this up, I thought, "maybe it's just a way to make the varying camera angles seem like they have some reason for constantly being switched".
I think its to confirm that Desmond isnt being watched by his descendant.
I think its to confirm that Desmond isnt being watched by his descendant.
I think its to confirm that Desmond isnt being watched by his descendant.
To be honest, I never thought about his descendant watching him through Abstergo security cameras.
I mean its to prove they are security cameras and not just different perspectives of Desmond through his descendent, like when you talk to Al Mualim as Altair you can change the view, people might suspect they are related features
Oh, ok. I see what you mean. It would be quite a jump for Ubisoft to take it further into the future (the series came out in 2007 and it takes place in 2012, so looking perhaps 10 to however many years is odd, as they'd risk not accurate...? Yeah, I dunno what I'm saying anymore. haha
Well the ending of ACB had loads of people saying its an animus within an animus
Well the ending of ACB had loads of people saying its an animus within an animus
I do recall a time in AC:B where they mention a memory within a memory. That would help explain starting missions over if you play as Desmond in future games.
That would help explain starting missions over if you play as Desmond in future games.
Come on...could you imagine if you failed/died in a mission as Desmond and having to start all over? I'd never play it again, just like Dead Rising. After realizing I couldn't save, I sold it. I can't play for 72 hours!!! (I know it's not the same thing, but you get the idea)
I still don't think it's one of Desmond's descendants. To me, that has the same effect as "The entire series was a dream of a 12 year-old GameFAQs member". I'd feel like my whole time was wasted getting so deep into the story. That's just me. I'm gonna pull a FLAE if that's the ending to it all. I won't even get back on here.
Yeah I wont even bother writing a retire topic, no need as most people will probably leave. Nah il stick around because AC1 and AC2 are still worth discussing and finding new stuff
aurllcooljay wrote:
That would help explain starting missions over if you play as Desmond in future games.Come on...could you imagine if you failed/died in a mission as Desmond and having to start all over? I'd never play it again, just like Dead Rising. After realizing I couldn't save, I sold it. I can't play for 72 hours!!! (I know it's not the same thing, but you get the idea)
I still don't think it's one of Desmond's descendants. To me, that has the same effect as "The entire series was a dream of a 12 year-old GameFAQs member". I'd feel like my whole time was wasted getting so deep into the story. That's just me.
I'm gonna pull a FLAE if that's the ending to it all. I won't even get back on here.
Ummm, I meant the exact opposite of what you thought it would be like. When you play as Desmond you can't die in ac1,2, and Brotherhood. That's because you would have to start all over if you did die. But if you played as Desmond in a MEMORY you would start at the last checkpoint if you died, just like playing as his ancestor. So imagine playing as Desmond in a memory, and in that memory you go in the animus. A memory within a memory.
Yo dawg I heard you like animuses (or is it animi? Lucy? Lucy?) so we put an animus in your animus so you can relive memories while you relive memories.
Well they did mention a memory within a memory in AC:B I think.
Nobody'll be able to write about the mind for the next two decades without someone mentioning 'Inception'.
That's why I hated seeing Sucker Punch w/ my friends. Such a good movie but I couldn't stand the constant referencing to Inception every time they remembered it was happening in there minds.
And FLAE just came up with the best meme this site has seen since Petruccio.
I haven't seen Sucker Punch yet, but maybe what you're thinking are Inception references might very well be lucid dreaming references. We've been doing this whole "it's all in your mind"-stuff for over 2000 years. Inception came out, what, a year ago?
Also, The Matrix. Free your mind and all that stuff.
You haven't seen Sucker Punch, so it's forgivable. If you have, it's readily apparent that Zack Snyder made half the movie, saw Inception, and then thought "let's do that."
That's what it seems like the more I hear about it. XD
Here's the time in the game when they mention a memory in a memory.
And please no wisecracks this time. I'm in no mood to be trifled with today.
Ooh, nice one Aurll And personally I hope they do end the stories with Desmond, and I know reliving ancestral memories is a main component to the series, but I'd love to see them make a game where Desmond is done with the memories, bleeding effect has soaked right through him at this point (he's got it under control) He throws that damn hoody over his head and starts some parkour through Italy or Venice, Russia even! I just really want to see this game with today's kill cutscenes, today's gadgets and hidden weapons, and today's power-hungry antagonists.
Only slightly related;
I will. Never. Ever. Never. Leave. TheHiddenBlade.
I may disappear for periods of time, vanish into the shadows, but eventually, I always return.
Yeah I'll be disappearing right around the 30th I plan on coming home from work and getting to work on some Air-to's lol SO EXCITED!! And DAZ, if you did leave then I wouldn't have anyone to compare my giant paragraphs with!
And DAZ, if you did leave then I wouldn't have anyone to compare my giant paragraphs with!
Wait. What about Calvar?
I retract that immediately. also, now thinkin Asaic would have more than something to say about...well anything lol
Agreed. Me, Calvar and Asaic are the big novel writers here