I want to play a game.
So let's have a quiz. Just ask an interesting question about trivia around the AC games. Preferably non-googlable (Is that even a word? Whatever, it IS now!) and not to be found on the AC wikia.
Completely disregarding what I just wrote, I'll start with an easy one.
Name the three assassins who were given the mission to retrieve the artefact from Solomon's Temple, Jerusalem.
Malik Al-Sayf, Kadar Al-Sayf and Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad.
During his investgiation of William de Montferrat, Altaïr overhears a conversation between a Templar and a monk, after which he steals a letter from the monk. What was the name the Templar knight used to identify Richard Lionheart in the conversation?
Malik Al-Sayf
Kadar Al-Sayf
Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad
Why is Abbas Sofian such a douche?
Okay, okay... nevermind: How old was Altaïr when he died?
Damnit. There was no reply when I started to answer... oh well... I'll keep this here anyway.
What was the name the Templar knight used to identify Richard Lionheart in the conversation?
I know that one. It was in my first post on this site that I solved the 'mystery'.
Richard is referred to as Oc e No(n), meaning Yes and No.
Now to wait for an Altaïr-maniac who knows all about his life (and death) to answer the other question.
Oh, and Abbas is a douche because his father used him as practice dummy for sword fights when he was little. This resulted in a psychological and emotional trauma, which showed in his douchebag-ness (There, I made up yet another word, just like that. Shakespeare-style.)
Malik Al-Sayf
Kadar Al-Sayf
Altaïr ibn-La'AhadOkay, okay... nevermind: How old was Altaïr when he died?
I know we discussed it, but I seem to think that in Revelations it's revealed that Altair died when he was 91, although some places seem to think it's 92.
Here's another one. In Brotherhood, when Ezio forces Lucrezia to unlock Caterina's cell, he finds her frolicking with an actor in the courtyard. Once the actor leaves for rehearsal, a guard confirms that he "heard the whole thing." Lucrezia then tells the guard to inform Cesare of this and challenges Cesare's devotion by saying what (kind of to the guard, but mostly to herself)?
by saying what?
"Let's see how he likes it when the shoe is on the other foot."
I'm not sure though.
TheMethodicalAssassin wrote:
by saying what?"Let's see how he likes it when the shoe is on the other foot."
I'm not sure though.
Nicely done. It's either "likes it" or "feels."
This one is a little bit cryptic.
Where is the Capitán General going?
If it's too hard I can post a hint I have in mind.
This one is a little bit cryptic.Where is the Capitán General going?
If it's too hard I can post a hint I have in mind.
We are all a bunch of nerds.
Urbino it is. Your turn.
We are all a bunch of nerds.
Yes. We most definitely are.
I have to ask a question? Crap.
Here's an idiotic one. When Ezio and Leonardo first arrive in Venice (AC2), they are given a "tour" by Alvise, a young Venetian man. What became of Alvise afterwards?
EDIT: Here's a slightly better one (although it still concerns Alvise and that tour). What is the second landmark that he points out to Leonardo and Ezio?
Feel free to ignore the first.
Hmmm, lets see. I just remember Alvise walking off afterwards. I remember he shows them shops, the Palazzo Dela Seta, Leonardo's workshop. I'm not sure if he showed them the Rialto bridge or any other building. Relying entirely on memory here, don't want to cheat using Youtube.
I know he shows Ezio the Rialto bridge, a tower nearby and a market. Not sure in which order. Anyone?
If I recall correctly, the database entry for Alvise shows that he served in the navy, but then a lot of shit happened. Something like that.
1. Alvise became poor and died, since Leonardo refused to tip him.
2. Since the tour starts right by Rialto Bridge, I'm guessing that's the first thing he shows. The next thing would be the church/school near the bridge?
You got it, Slembroccoli. It's the church of San Giacomo di Rialto, the oldest church in Venezia, which has a very impressive clock tower.
Ah, so that was the tower that I vaguely remembered then...
Yay! Thank you. Now it's all coming back. Phew.
My turn then, then:
How (with what phrasing) does Ezio refuse a cup of coffee, when offered one by Antonio in Venice?
Yay! Thank you.Now it's all coming back. Phew.
My turn then, then:How (with what phrasing) does Ezio refuse a cup of coffee, when offered one by Antonio in Venice?
A little bitter. Have you considered adding a little sugar? Or milk?
Dammit Cheese!
A little bitter. Have you considered adding a little sugar? Or milk?
Very good. Your turn!
My question is simple. The answer is not. There are many answers.
Where is Charles Lee?
More specifically, where does Connor go to find Lee, even though he's not there. Sorry if I'm being too cryptic.
So I guess the question is:
Where isn't Charles Lee?
Spoiler: Highlight to viewHe isn't in the New York Templar district, where Connor expects him to be. Connor finds Haytham there instead.![]()
great decision on the spoiler tags
The HMS Jersey?
That is what I was referring to... I THINK Connor headed there to find Lee... I don't think it was just a random side thing he decided to do at the most critical part of the story, anyway. I know Lee wasn't there.
True. Just replayed it.
What weapon can be broken in two, and how?
Ezio's hidden blade at the beginning of AC:R, by a templar hacking against it with a sword?
I think pikes and helberds, when you try to counter a strong brute attack with it. The top half works as a sword, the other half works as a mace. It's definitely in ACB, probably in AC2 as well.
Ezio's hidden blade at the beginning of AC:R, by a templar hacking against it with a sword?
Though it is as you describe it, this was not my desired answer. Maybe I should have asked "What in-game weapon can be broken in two?".
I think pikes and helberds, when you try to counter a strong brute attack with it. The top half works as a sword, the other half works as a mace. It's definitely in ACB, probably in AC2 as well.
Yes, correct. Your turn!
In ACB, name three things that can be carried/held in hand by civilians walking the streets.
garden hoe, fish pole, broom, shovel, barrel, crate, ...
garden hoe, fish pole, broom, shovel, barrel, crate, ...
Crap. I only meant the things you can NOT use as weapon, so only barrel and crate are correct. I was looking for: apple, sceptre, book, etc. but whatever, my question was asked poorly, so it's your turn.
In what year did Abstergo's Animus Project begin?
1982. Vidic states he's been 'working on this for the past 30 years now' in AC1.
1982. Vidic states he's been 'working on this for the past 30 years now' in AC1.
I knew it was (barely) pre-1985.
Daniel Cross was Subject 4, and was used in 1985.
Would have accepted anything before 1985 as I forgot the above Vidic quote... even if he didn't mean 30 literal years and just around 30 years (not sure how you would show/prove either way), I'll give it to you as 1982.
It's the church of San Giacomo di Rialto, the oldest church in Venezia, which has a very impressive clock tower.
Dang it, I thought he might have shown them a church.
Slembroccoli wrote:
How (with what phrasing) does Ezio refuse a cup of coffee, when offered one by Antonio in Venice?A little bitter. Have you considered adding a little sugar? Or milk?
Um, that's what he says if he drinks the coffee. If he refuses it he says something about not drinking substances from foreign lands.
What is the first time you can steal Vidic's digipen in Assassin's Creed 1?
*looks up Stabguy's "Hands of a Thief: Digipens and Codes" video*
Stabguy says, "After Desmond wakes up during interlude 3" (after you complete memory block 3) and he can't be wrong.
Yeah, that's right. Damn, I just thought of a better question: there is a very distinct cue that helps me remember it. What is different about Vidic when you can steal the digipen, aside from the pen being in his pocket?
He stands by the window. And since when is someone allowed to ask two questions in a row‽ <--Just kidding.
Here's a rather unusual question: In AC2, when you have to rescue Caterina Sforza with a boat, what conversation follows if you get to her without the boat?
I actually meant that that was the question I wanted to ask, and that you could ask your question. I didn't finish my train of thought in my last post.
Also, not the answer I'm looking for. It's immediately apparent the moment Vidic barges in to wake Desmond.
It's immediately apparent the moment Vidic barges in to wake Desmond.
Vidic's happier than before? There's one moment in the game where Desmond wakes up and Vidic is all cheerful. Desmond points that out, as well, by saying something like "well doc, ain't you happy today?"
Is this the same moment?
Here's a rather unusual question: In AC2, when you have to rescue Caterina Sforza with a boat, what conversation follows if you get to her without the boat?
Now there's a fine question. I never tried that but I assume she gets mad. Probably uses the word cazzo. Does anyone know this?
161803398874989 wrote:
It's immediately apparent the moment Vidic barges in to wake Desmond.Vidic's happier than before? There's one moment in the game where Desmond wakes up and Vidic is all cheerful. Desmond points that out, as well, by saying something like "well doc, ain't you happy today?"
Is this the same moment?
This was my thinking exactly. I also seem to remember Vidic drinking coffee when he's happy and wakes Desmond up.
aurllcooljay wrote:
Here's a rather unusual question: In AC2, when you have to rescue Caterina Sforza with a boat, what conversation follows if you get to her without the boat?Now there's a fine question. I never tried that but I assume she gets mad. Probably uses the word cazzo. Does anyone know this?
It is a mighty fine question indeed. It goes something like this:
CATERINA: What the hell are you doing?
EZIO: I'm rescuing you.
CATERINA: Without a boat? (something, something) Go get the boat!
(If any conversation cries out for some exclaiming of "cazzo!", it's that one.)
What is different about Vidic when you can steal the digipen, aside from the pen being in his pocket?
It's immediately apparent the moment Vidic barges in to wake Desmond.
I assume you're referring to Vidic's steaming coffee mug. He first holds it in Interlude 3 - the same time you can first pickpocket him. He's holding it again in Interlude 4 (and probably throughout Memory Blocks 4 and 5) but that's the end of it. You can wait to pickpocket Vidic later when he doesn't have a coffee mug.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking about. In any case, I think Lisa gets the next question because mine was unofficial.
CATERINA: What the hell are you doing?
EZIO: I'm rescuing you.
CATERINA: Without a boat? (something, something) Go get the boat!
Yeah, that's pretty much it. I think she calls Ezio an idiot or something. I take it you played the game like that to find it out?
I take it you played the game like that to find it out?
Yes indeed! One of my favorite things to do when re-playing games is to try to figure out something unusual to do and see if the developers thought of it first.
To continue: Name the artist of at least two of the paintings that can be purchased (that is, not the assassination target portraits) in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
Raphael and ...? Da Vinci?