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[AC Syndicate] Sequence 7 (All) - Reaper

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Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

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Fast Stealth kills during suitable checkpoints of all the memories in Sequence 7.

0:00 - Playing Politics
1:38 - The Bodyguard
2:34 - Driving Mrs. Disraeli
4:12 - Motion to Impeach (Main Assassination)
10:15 - Unbreaking the Bank
12:43 - Change of Plans

This is my first try at making a video with this format. Instead of making a Stealth Reaper video for each individual mission in Sequence 7, and uploading them all one by one, I combined them to create a longer video that you can watch in a longer session.

I would love feedback on this because I'm used to creating the one-off Stealth vids, not bundling them together this way. Let me know if I should keep uploading this way, or if I should go back to uploading the more bite-sized Stealth videos. Which do you personally enjoy more? I'm totally fine with doing both, that's not an issue for me, and both have their pros and cons. This type of video here takes much longer to make, and I get to show my work a bit less often, but the end result is an experience that feels much meatier and more substantial. The downside is, some people might find them too long to sit through. The bite-sized single-mission runs take much less time to make and upload, and they're short and sweet.

As usual, I hope you found something to enjoy about this, and I'm down to talk about Syndicate's Stealth design and how those systems all work together. One thing I noticed while making this, that I'd also noticed before but never talked about, was how Syndicate has the barest, tiniest traces of being a systemic game, and in those moments it impresses me a little bit. The way two systems overlap and intersect has always been my favorite thing about games like Dishonored, Deus Ex, Thief or Metal Gear Solid V, making the player feel clever for creating inventive solutions, sometimes by accident. In Syndicate, Hallu-Darts and Smoke Bombs have a cool interaction and can make a neat combo, wherein Hallucinogenic Darts will make enemies clump up together in the same part of the area, and then a Smoke Bomb tossed at them while they're agglomerated ends up stunning all of them for fast and easy Assassinates. These are just logical consequences of the way these two tools were programmed, and the effects they have overlapping in an organic way. It doesn't feel "designed," per se, it's just the player making use of the properties of two abilities as applied to each other. None of the other tools in the game have interesting interactions like these to my knowledge, and I would love for future Assassin's Creed titles to embrace the emergent possibilities in the game by letting players use some clever application of intersecting systems.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010
DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
I would love feedback on this because I'm used to creating the one-off Stealth vids, not bundling them together this way. Let me know if I should keep uploading this way, or if I should go back to uploading the more bite-sized Stealth videos.

DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
The downside is, some people might find them too long to sit through. The bite-sized single-mission runs take much less time to make and upload, and they're short and sweet.

Kind of answered your own question there. I wish Syndicate was more interesting as an assassin game, then I would watch these videos to death.

Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

I await more feedback from people so I can come to a solid conclusion. I've had a few people already telling me that these longer videos "feel more natural" and are more enjoyable to consume as a more long-form type of entertainment. I'm assuming judging by your answer that you're definitively NOT in that camp.

One upside to these is that I can cover the rest of Syndicate without flooding my channel with vids, because Syndicate has many, MANY more stealth-viable missions than Unity, so if I were to make individual vids for all of them my "Videos" page would be absolutely saturated. Covering the rest of Syndicate is, of course, something I feel I should do as a matter of finishing what I started, like Unity.

I like to think that whatever game I play, I can make it enjoyable to watch my gameplay. I mean shit, I made some people think Unity was a good game (before immediately putting that fire out by warning them, no guys, it's not as cool as I make it seem.) Still, fair enough. Pretty much all of the recent Assassin's Creed games didn't feel like Assassin's Creed games to me. The last one to really feel that way was AC3, and that is very, very barely true. Mostly the Present Day was badass in that game and felt AC-ish, but the rest of it, [raspberry noise.] Black Flag was pirates, I don't talk about Unity unless I want to get very angry, and Syndicate was gang warfare in Victorian London. All of those games had Assassin's Creed MECHANICS, which is great because lucky as I am, I tend to enjoy games with Assassin's Creed mechanics.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010
DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
I've had a few people already telling me that these longer videos "feel more natural" and are more enjoyable to consume as a more long-form type of entertainment.

That's how I feel with long videos I really enjoy. Unfortunately when it comes to gameplay, most of the time it's a StealthGamerBR video or something similar that took hours to perfect.