So I just took a survey sent by Ubisoft. A lot of it had to do with movies or video game-based movies. It asked about an AC film and what one would expect from it (i.e.: Altair, Ezio, more Desmond, Crusades, Rennaissance -Rome or the AC2 cities, more about THE ONES WHO CAME BEFORE, 2012, etc).
Here's a screenshot of the question:
Use tinypic literally takes about 10 seconds
Thanks patrick! Updated it with the screenshot.
No problem
I for one would be very excited about an AC Movie. I really hope they make it. What answers did you put, Joey?
I've been hoping that they were going in this direction for awhile now. This would make a great movie, or even series of movies. They'd have to invest more into it than other video game movies (Max Payne and Hitman - both terrible representations of entertaining games).
Agreed. A shitload of money MUST be spent getting the right cast, setting, story, effects etc.
I would rather see a new/unknown actor play Desmond/Altair/Ezio/other ancestor as someone well-known would just ruin it, IMO.
I also think a real person climbing/doing parkour dressed as an Assassin looks weird as, obviously, its not as smooth as it is in-game, because hauling yourself up a building takes more effort than the game physics suggest The climbing, running and jumping in AC: Lineage (short film) looked very strange to me because of this. Obviously some fast-paced sequences arranged as montages rather than just following the character up a building all the way would make it look a lot better.
I'd absolutely love to see an AC film (series) and am excited just at the thought of it, but it would have to be done well.
If it was made just to cash in on the popularity of the games instead of staying true to the series, I'd rather not see it.
No problem![]()
I for one would be very excited about an AC Movie. I really hope they make it. What answers did you put, Joey?
Since you can only pick 3, I chose: A focus on Altair's character, A focus on the Guild of Assassins, and A focus on Desmond's character.
And I agree with you that Ubisoft should really put a lot of dedication into it and perhaps get a lesser-known/unknown actor to play Desmond/Altair (it better be Altair!!!).
I wouldn't mind them getting a real parkour stuntman for the freerunning scenes, but make sure to keep him from doing the outlandish moves for show; just do whatever is necessary to get around in that environment.
Ah cool. I think I'd have picked the same three TBH (maybe the split between Desmond and one of the hsitorical Assassins but that's the same really).
I also would prefer Altair. Ezio had his moment in both ACII and AC:B which seemed like epic films themselves, at some points. The stories in both were very elaborate with far more cutscenes and dialogue than ACI
Move over, Ezio! We want to know more about the mysterious Altair!
The darker atmosphere in ACI would make a more mature and realistic film, as opposed to the theatrical leaps and stabbings that would surely be included in an Ezio film to make it a blockbuster. Having said that, they could completely destroy the dark, gritty feel of ACI and make the film too lighthearted and theatrical. Here's hoping they don't
they could completely destroy the dark, gritty feel of ACI and make the film too lighthearted and theatrical. Here's hoping they don't
So they'd need a pretty gritty director. As in, someone who can take the setting/story seriously and not over-do anything (Scratch out Michael Bay and of course Uwe Boll). I don't think he'd do it, but I'd like to see Christopher Nolan go at it, personally. It seems like his kind of atmosphere.
You know what? I think you read my mind
Christopher Nolan is absolutely perfect, judging by his work with Batman.
"A dark and mysterious, masked/hooded vigilante and caped crusader who fights crime using nothing more than skill, determination for vengenace and justice, and some badass gadgets."
Sound familair anyone!
Hell, even the text in my sig. is from The Dark Knight! I chose that quote because it can be applied to the Assassins too
You know what? I think you read my mind![]()
Christopher Nolan is absolutely perfect, judging by his work with Batman.
"A dark and mysterious, masked/hooded vigilante and caped crusader who fights crime using nothing more than skill, determination for vengenace and justice, and some badass gadgets."
Sound familair anyone!
Hell, even the text in my sig. is from The Dark Knight! I chose that quote because it can be applied to the Assassins too
Exactly! Also, Nolan films tend to have some sort of blue tint to them (The Dark Knight, Inception) and I always think of Acre when I think of those films.
Yes! I would describe them as 'cold'. That is exactly what an AC film needs.
I associate ACI with a cold, blue colour. The box art (mostly blue and grey), the city of Acre and the general feel of the game are all quite cold and dreary. I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere before (ACIII discussion?) and everyone seems to love the cold, oppressive atmosphere in ACI. This is what an AC film seriously needs.
ACII and AC:B, on the other hand, are quite clearly red - a classic Mediterranean colour which extends across the box art, Ezio's clothes, the rooftops of Florence and religious attire of the Cardinals and Pope... as well as their blood. The only real exception in ACII is Forli (and perhaps San Gimignano depending on the lighting) which mimics ACI beautifully.
It's amazing how colour can be used to explain the world!
This blue! I want to see it everywhere in an AC film with only splashes of red for Altair's belt and for blood:
Also, Jerusalem had a green tint, while Damascus had that red/yellow style most of AC2 and ACB had. But overall, I agree that the blue, dark atmosphere should be one of the prime focuses of the film. Make it a piece of art. Movies that are not only fascinating to watch story-wise, but have a memorable artistic visual foundation are usually considered some of the best.
True. Inception is a good example as the story is great, but the special effects and some of the scenes/settings are mindblowing. The way it changes setting so rapidly is brilliant too.
For AC, huge sprawling cities set under a dark, foreboding sky...
I would like to see a focus on ACI and Altair for a movie, with the intention of turning it into a series. Part of this is because I've played very little of the first game and I'm more curious about it than ACII and AC:B. I don't think that they should try to incorporate Altair and Ezio in the same movie because it will sell both characters short. They're both extremely important to the series and deserve better than that. I would ultimately like to see a trilogy, with ACI being a stand alone, ACII and AC:B combined into one massive Ezio saga, and ACIII (whatever new character is introduced) concluding the series.
I agree that they should stay away from big names for main roles. It would be a good touch to bring in recognizable character actors for supporting roles (Mario, Caterina, Machiaveli). I would like to see them stay away from CGI as much as possible, but with so many historical landmarks in the Holy Land and in Italy it would be necessary.
I would much prefer for the movie to be on a completely new ancestor. That way, I am not repeatedly comparing it to the game and thinking "this movie is so lame, I did it way better in the game". Make a new lead character who can surprise us.
I would much prefer for the movie to be on a completely new ancestor. That way, I am not repeatedly comparing it to the game and thinking "this movie is so lame, I did it way better in the game". Make a new lead character who can surprise us.
I wouldn't mind seeing this either, but I'd just like to see more about the mysterious Altair. Ezio has just stolen the spotlight from the one who started it all, so I'd just enjoy seeing everyone reminded of why he was such a badass.
I'd like to know more about Desmond, Subject 16, and 2012.
I feel like an ACI movie would work better as a miniseries; like the Battlestar reboot, or Band of Brothers.
I think they could make AC1 into a feature film if they tried. They may have to take out a few assassinations, but they could be included in a director's cut. An AC1 miniseries (I think) would be best suited for 30 minute increments. Hour-long episodes would cut the series TOO short. Ezio's adventures (including Rome) would make an epic miniseries on Showtime, in my opinion. Then again, they could include Bloodlines and reference story ideas from Altair's writings in the Codex (such as his sons going after Genghis Khan). Scratch my earlier comment; an AC1 miniseries would be epic.
I'd like to see "Assassin's Creed: The Musical" on Broadway. It could challenge the Spider-Man Musical for most in-rehersal injuries ever
In all seriousness, an Assassin's Creed movie wouldn't work. Games that are made into movies traditionally fail (for the latest example, go watch Disney's "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time"). The miniseries they had on Spike was okay, but the only purpose it even had was to explain plot details regarding Giovanni Auditore, that's it. Also if people were complaining about linearity in AC1, imagine how badly an AC1 movie would get torn to shreds.
IF they did film a movie the plot would have to be brand new and easy for the audience to grasp. You can't thrust someone into the Apple of Eden/Minerva plot-line, people would become confused and just leave. It would have to revolve around solely the history of the Assassins (or an assassin in particular, one that we follow from birth to an exciting conclusion).
But, again, video game movies are destined to fail. The only video game movie I ever hope to see is Halo, and that's solely based on the trailers they have put out over the last few years. "We Are ODST," "Arms Race," and "Deliver Hope" are all excellent Halo shorts that have shown the potential that a Halo movie could have. And the fact that Neill Blomkamp (acclaimed director of District 9) has shown interest in the project makes the idea even better. I know they already tried making one and the funding had a fall out, but there's no reason it can't be dug back up. And hey, District 9 was the offspring of the Halo project and it ended up being nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards (not to mention it had a budget of literally nothing compared to most Hollywood Films). The possibilities and hopes for a Halo movie are endless.
Before I stray too far, however, the bottom line is this: Assassin's Creed belongs on my television, NOT on the Big Screen.
I've been hoping that they were going in this direction for awhile now. This would make a great movie, or even series of movies. They'd have to invest more into it than other video game movies (Max Payne and Hitman - both terrible representations of entertaining games).
I actually really enjoyed Hitman.
To be fair to the movie, I only watched about the first half. I ended up having to do some things, so the second half could have been better than the first half. I'm not crazy about Timothy Olyphant, especially as a leading man.
um here is the movie pt 1 pt2 pt 3
This was a three part short made as a lead in for ACII. We're talking about a full length feature film.
As much as I would LOVE to see this game made into a movie, it would destroy me to see it slaughtered by budget and cheap direction. I would love to see a "Lord of the Rings" outcome for this movie. Sit in obscurity for 50 years with only hardcore fans following then blast out into history! (In a video game sorta way...face it...AC is no JRR Tolkien). Problem is..right now, people don't have enough respect for video game developers as 'artists' (maybe due to their collaboration, maybe due to ignorance), no one writer can go on the cover of a video game. Also, the old (never even picked up a controller) people aren't dead yet. (Sorry if that is your parents, it sure was mine! lol). We will see things change in the years to come and I have a feeling that AC will build a nostalgic audience which will make for a better showing then right now.
[ We're talking about a full length feature film.
sorry to say but that will most likely never happen
if they did ever happen to make an ac movie they only take a tiny bit of the story from the game and the rest of the story would be retarted as HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. but here are two actors one can play as lucy and the other could play ezio LUCY STILLMAN EZIO AUDITOURE
They are officially making an Assassin's Creed movie.
And the only thing that is giving me the vaguest hope is the fact that Ubisoft is making it in-house. And they said that it would not be a translation of the games, so we can assume it will be a spin-off like the comics of the Russian assassin are.
sorry to say but that will most likely never happen
Is this the only site you have access to or something? If you've read anything about Ubisoft or Assassin's Creed, you'd at least hear that they were creating their own film studio.
I just found that out after watch E3 and i posted this befor
It's moving forward.
Sony Pictures! Perhaps it will be bigger than fist planned then...? Hopefully this doesn't ruin the story though.
Hmmmm. AC could work as a movie. InFamous could work as a movie.
There was talk of making Shadow of the Colossus into a movie. I spit on such talk.
But the other two..... Intriguing.
JoeyFogey wrote:
It's moving forward.Sony Pictures! Perhaps it will be bigger than fist planned then...?
Hopefully this doesn't ruin the story though.
Ubisoft Motion Pictures will surely still hold a tight grasp on the rights to the story.
Either way, we're finally going to see how Hollywood envisions this saga.