I didn't read any of this but in case someone missed it I'd just like to make the suggestion that the bag he's already carrying is probably what houses his throwing knives. He could carry a hidden blade, a concealed gun, and maybe a really short katana or the lockblade in a backpack or something. Or he could use one of those metal poles from the end of AC2. I would have so much more respect for Desmond if he used a staff, that would be boss.
it is a strange idea couldn't it be that ezio´s stuff is in the hideout and that in the final battle desmond wares that and all the Templar´s are so shocked.
because in brotherhood desmond has ezio´s blade and it would be so cool that in the heat of the battle ezio comes.
i know it´s a bit crazy but desmond learned everything from ezio so it would be a bit sentimental.
but what also could be an end is that from the apple ezio and altair pop up and then my idea couldn't happen because you can´t have 2 ezio´s
just a idea
I'm pretty sure Desmond had Ezio's hidden blade because the developers didn't want to make a whole new design for about five minutes of showtime (plus, if they made a new design, it would be harder to communicate that "Des gets blade"). In Brotherhood he's just got the mechanism strapped to his arm.
It's probably just the standard look for the hidden blade. As of the time of the assassination of The Mentor, the Assassin's only used the hidden blade for ceremonial purposes. I'm sure that's changed now, but I'd bet they have tons of the more ceremonial ones lying around. Of course, it could be Ezio's actual one. That sounds like something Shaun would have been interested in.
I kind of hope Ezio is the only one with 2 hidden blades, because he's the fighting ancestor. The next one should only have 1 and not be so offensive. That's just me, though.
i know what you mean the other ancestor should have other weapons like ezio else it would be boring
Not boring, just repetitive. I don't want a clone of Ezio in the French Revolution or anything. Make this one is the joker Assassin. I'd like one with a sense of humor. Maybe he's been raised as one like Altair, but likes to show off a little to other Assassins.
that would be cool if the next assassin is a showoff that would make the kills awsome
can´t say epic
Not that Ezio's moves didn't show off enough. Lol
i know
Ezio's moves just seemed brutal to me. Not really showboaty.
I would say a mix, but mostly brutal.
My version of Desmond.
that could work kinda
if a girl ...
http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=girl+assassin#/d2vqab8 - here is one i could find thats not as perverted
http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=girl+assassin#/d4944hc - yeah this is good also
http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=girl+assassin#/d2yqy35 - i guess this could be cool
if male (again)..
http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=+assassins+creed+III#/d3dkg23 - awesome !!!
http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=assassins%20creed&order=9&offset=24#/d2g... - lmfao!!!!!
http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=assassins%20creed%20new%20assassin&order... -
I considered this thread dead. And EzioAltair, none of those costumes would pass for discreet in Desmond's time
ohh desmonds time ....
i was talkin ancestors cause desmond is not a new character so his game would not have numbers in the title
I suppose I should have named it something along the lines of 'Desmond's Assassin Outfit' but at the time I created this, Revelations wasn't announced, and it was assumed Brotherhood was Ezio's last game
Desmon's outfit is cool and simple with the jeans and hoodie, but it would be interesting to see if he wears something different.
With the free poster you get for preordering ACR, it shows Desmond with his hood up, so I assume the outfit he has now will be the one he has for AC3, just with the hood up.
I do wonder if we will ever get a game that's pure Desmond.
I do wonder if we will ever get a game that's pure Desmond.
I'd love to have a game telling the story of Desmond after AC3 (if he lives after it).
I would love that. I'd like it if AC3 was Desmond's game and you played in the modern times. Thing is isn't he supposed to fight Vidic? At the end of AC2 Lucy says "You'll have your chance, Desmond."
So maybe that's a hint that when the series comes to a close (or Des's story anyway) you'll play as him to beat the evil old guy.
Just sayin'.
Vidic will get his most likely during AC3. I doubt he's the main man, as discussed a few times before on this site. At the end of AC1, he was taking orders from "the suits". He wouldn't be the Grandmaster if he was taking orders. I can't wait to see who is really at the top of the Templar Order. Hopefully that'll be one of the Revelations in ACR.
Oh crap I forgot about them. Remember the guy that Vidic spoke to at the end of AC1 and he wanted Desmond killed? That guy sounded like the voice of Desmond. To me anyway xD
I read in an article that we will get some answers but not
all. So, hopefully we'll find out more about the modern day situation. I'm looking forward to finding out about Subject 16. He will probably help Desmond through his journey.
And after the last few minutes of discussing this, I realize it's impossible for a discussion to truly stay on the intended topic. lol
Haha, yeah. Sorry.
And after the last few minutes of discussing this, I realize it's impossible for a discussion to truly stay on the intended topic. lol
Nothing is true, everything is permitted
Now I understand what that means.
ok good so you renamed this DESMOND'S ACIII robes
but know we have no real option on a look anymore ! come on were talking the 21st century here assassins can only wear hoodies if they want to blend in and not be noticed. and people only put their hoods on if its raining or they are planing to rob something. so unless desmond likes being harrased by a cop to take of his hood every five minutes im sure he'll leave his hood off
There are people on my college campus that have hoodies up all the time. It's normal.
hmm not around where i live ...wierd
Hoodies are supposedly banned at my college (sixth form not university) in a vain attempt to introduce a dress code, and that includes the whole hoodie not just having the hood up.
However, I don't think walking along with your hood up is particularly unusual (unless it's really warm); people would probably just look at Desmond and think 'huh, the youth of today.' Provided he doesn't walk around, staring at people suspiciously and then leaping up buildings, I think he'll be fine.
I only see people with hoods up if it raining.
Rained hard today and I got to wear my friend's spare hoodie. I wish more hoodies had the point at the front...
Rained hard today and I got to wear my friend's spare hoodie. I wish more hoodies had the point at the front...
That would be badass lol
I like rain and hoodies.
Absolutely tipped it down today as I was walking home from college. Needless to say I didn't have a jacket/hoodie of any form and got soaked... after two hours of physics beforehand
exually if you think modern assassin's are exually snipers super stealthy and effective but i don't think ubisoft would make ac a shooter cause in project legacy in holiday the assassin in WW2 is a soldier with a gun and in ac1 they use guns you can hear that so maybe an all Desmond game wouldn't be fun because it would be 80% shooting and 20% hiding and Desmond couldn't clime up buildings do you see Desmond climbing a sky scraper
please comment if i saw something wrong
Ouch. I'd hate to get soaked. I'd end up with a cold. You should take an umbrella next time.
I see your point. Desmond is different but he isn't superman. I dunno how they would make an all Des game, but I'm sure if they're already planning AC3 they would have thought all that through. Thing is we don't know what AC3 will even be like. Ubisoft might not ever make a whole Des based game. But we'll know in time.
All I'm saying is that I've never been let down by Ubisoft before so, I'm sure they'll do a good job at what they plan to do next.
I don't see why they can't make a present-day only game. The only difficulty with that is the increase in electronic security and personnel training. So realistically, it would be harder to just break into buildings filled with Templars nowadays. It's not like we'll be around when Desmond poops, or anything. They'll cut out unnecessary sections. But it would be funny if there was a segment where pooping was involved.
Don't mix up with
. O_O
Haha. Too much information!
Maybe Desmond ate a tiny POE? It can happen. ^_^
This is crazy! xD
I looked at that one, and that looks so amazing. I want to cosplay that for next Anime North and pose next to all the Altairs/Ezios/Desmonds
same one i posted
Yes, I took it from your post, thank you.
Retractable night stick/caddle prod, if there is such a thing. It could be easily hidden away.
I would assume in 2012 they would have better technology for making hidden blades, so I'm sure they could be constructed in a way that looks more natural and discrete, instead of a big bunch of leather and steel.
Fiber wire maybe? It's non-detectable through a metal detector, you can use it for a quick kill or incapacitation, and certainly stealthy enough.
I don't know how you would go about storing bombs, but we'll let Ubi decide that.
Retractable night stick/caddle prod, if there is such a thing. It could be easily hidden away.I would assume in 2012 they would have better technology for making hidden blades, so I'm sure they could be constructed in a way that looks more natural and discrete, instead of a big bunch of leather and steel.
Fiber wire maybe? It's non-detectable through a metal detector, you can use it for a quick kill or incapacitation, and certainly stealthy enough.
I don't know how you would go about storing bombs, but we'll let Ubi decide that.
A long sleeve hoodie would be plenty enough to hide a hidden blade I'm sure. Desmond's hidden blade is just the mechanism belted to his arm. Pretty slender
I have several friends who have accessories, such as wrist bands and bracelets (I wore a black shoelace that had white peace signs on it for a while, and I still wear a Scott Pilgrim band, and until recently a bracelet made from my ex with her name embroidered into it). These are the norm now. If you actually look at Desmond's hidden blade, it's a tattoo with two straps around his forearm. This will just seem like his "style". He could be labelled as a "hipster" if he owned a vintage bike.
The fact that he has a tattoo has nothing to do with his hidden blade, but you meant that. : P
People toss the word "hipster" around a lot, but the fact is that people always imitate the styles of the times, and in these times the style is becoming more broad. People are free to look a lot stranger than they were many years ago. Wearing a muscle-shirt and having tatted up arms is socially acceptable in public places. Of course, there are those who try to go for a very specific style or look that no-one's using, but real Hipsters are few and far between. People just wear what they want, now. Pretty much any design for Desmond would fit in.