Ezio seems to have a new cape, similar to the Carnival cape but with another design.
Take a look
That's very odd because I had that cape throughout the game following when I first put on Altair's Armor. When I put on the normal cape whenever I had the Armor of Altair on, it would always come up like that. Strange...
I got the black/gold logo cape when I got Altair's armor but then the gold logo would disappear on me later on in the game (I can't remember when..when I took a carriage to another town? maybe) and the cape would just be plain black again. Why is that?
Sure it wasn't the Carnivale cape?
Sure it wasn't the Carnivale cape?
It was on the "Battle for Forli" memory sequence.
I was talking to Lilk
I still have a regular cape, and I just got Altair's armor... I've been using the Medici cape, though.
No Giga, it was the cape you get right when you get Altair's armor. It's black with the gold logo. Then that gold logo seemed to disappear later on (maybe a load screen? I can't recall when but I know I never got it back). I'm thinking I need to play again and pay closer attention and see when this happened for me.
Hmm, I honestly don't remember that, not saying it didn't happen of course. I'll have to check on my next play through
No Giga, it was the cape you get right when you get Altair's armor. It's black with the gold logo. Then that gold logo seemed to disappear later on (maybe a load screen? I can't recall when but I know I never got it back). I'm thinking I need to play again and pay closer attention and see when this happened for me.
I've received the armor twice and neither time did I get a special cape with it. It just kept the original cape, which is what I was wearing at the time.
Mystery solved: I had the Medici cape equipped, then I begun the carnival bit and I suddenly noticed my Medici cape wasn't equipped anymore. Once Davinci gives you the carnival mask, you also get a black cape with a gold logo on it, I believe this is what we are seeing.
I was talking to Lilk
Mystery solved: I had the Medici cape equipped, then I begun the carnival bit and I suddenly noticed my Medici cape wasn't equipped anymore. Once Davinci gives you the carnival mask, you also get a black cape with a gold logo on it, I believe this is what we are seeing.
No, that is the Carnivale cape. It says in the first post, it's "similar to the carnivale cape, but with a different design"
So, mystery still pending.
Giga wrote:
I was talking to Lilk
No sweat