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Featured Member: GopherBlaine

stabguy's picture

For the second month in a row our spotlight turns to a member returning from a long absence. GopherBlaine was nominated for Featured Member before he left, as was Arrogance. It's sad when a member of The Hidden Blade family leaves but it's cause for celebration when one returns and agrees to an interview. So here is our Featured Member for November, GopherBlaine:

Tell me about the first time you played AC.

I remember the first time I saw a commercial on TV advertising ACI. It really caught my attention for the simple reason that I’m mildly obsessed with the history of the Knights Templar. I’ve ready numerous books and done a bit of research on the subject, and anytime I come across anything relating to them I have to take a look. I have to admit that I completely misunderstood what ACI was about when I first saw this commercial. I thought that you were an actual Templar in the Holy Land, and that really appealed to me.

I didn’t have a PS3 or Xbox 360 at the time, so I never got around to buying the game. My brother-in-law did buy the game and I watched him play it a bit, but it was always the scenes with Desmond in the Abstergo facility, so I lost interest. After seeing the TV ad for ACII I decided I wanted to get a PS3 solely so I could get that game and Modern Warfare 2 (which quickly became the biggest letdown of any game I’ve ever bought). So, my first real playing experience was ACII, and it has completely given me a bias to Ezio over Altair.

I remember having chills and being very excited as the game loaded for the first time. Then, as the story began, I was kind of confused why we would be fleeing Abstergo and losing the ability to “time travel” (that’s where my lack of AC knowledge put me at a disadvantage; I didn’t really understand the back-story for awhile). After finally getting Desmond into the Assassin’s Animus I was completely in awe of the game. What struck me most wasn’t the movements, it was the scenery. I was shocked that Florence looked like Florence, not just some video game creator’s vision of what an Italian city should have looked like in the 15th century. It was beautiful. Then, as I got into the story I was shocked at how involved and deep the plot was. I was hooked from Day 1.

What do you like most about the games?

I love the good versus evil battle in the story and how the lines become blurred very easily. The Assassins set out to oppose an underground force that was bent on manipulation and domination by infiltrating every conceivable aspect of the world. I love how Ubisoft has taken an actual historical group (the Templars), who was actually the victim of quite a bit of atrocities, and made them the enemy. I also love the fine line that the Assassins walk. They are the watchmen (and women) for the innocent and the protectors of the people, while taking any means necessary to stop the evil that is spreading throughout the world. I like that they do not hesitate to attack these forces head-on, and although smaller in number, they use their considerable skills to gain the upper hand.

What AC accomplishment are you most proud of?

I’m not as accomplished a player as many on this site. I haven’t made a single video, mainly because I don’t have the time or the equipment to do so. I’m proud that in ACII and AC:B I have completed 100% of the game with 100% sync.

What is your favorite quote from the games?

I laugh at a lot of the smartass comments from Desmond and Lucy. Shaun gets on my nerves, so I try to ignore most of what he says. But from the main characters, my favorite quote comes from Ezio, "I'll make the sacrifice for the greater good." I feel like that perfectly sums up the Assassins’ purpose. It goes along with what a lot of those in our (U.S.) military view as their purpose. I have a lot of friends in the military, so that quote hits close to home for me.

What would you like to change about AC?

I don’t know there is much about the gameplay that I would change. I know a lot of people only want missions to be stealthy, but the current format gives every type of player an option. Not everyone wants to hide and wait or use every possible measure to ensure that they are not seen. Some people like to launch an all out attack and use sheer force to eliminate a target. I like a nice mixture of these. Sometimes I want to take out my target stealthily and sometimes I want to walk up, face him, and use brute force to eliminate him.

I didn’t like how AC:B was set solely in Rome. I enjoyed the travel in the first two games. I liked seeing the different architecture of the different cities and how the people varied and enemies varied. I hope that in AC:R and ACIII they give us more of a variety again.

I’m also not crazy about the chance from Eagle Vision to Eagle Sense. I’ve gone out of my way to avoid reading about AC:R and I’ve only seen one trailer because it was a TV commercial, because I want to be surprised. I don’t want to go into this game with any preconceived notions. But I have heard about the Eagle Sense, and I don’t really like the concept. I’m also not a big fan of using bombs. I understand the angle of using them as a distraction or being able to set ambushes, but I still don’t like that attention it draws and the convenience a bomb creates.

Which Assassin's Creed game is your favorite: AC1, AC2 or AC:B? Why?

ACII, by far, is my favorite game in the series thus far. It was the first game I played, and it created the mystique of the plot for me. I loved the beauty of the different Italian cities. I also spent the most time playing this game and exploring every possible nook and cranny. I liked parts of ACI and AC:B, but ACII is the top of the mountain for me so far.

Who is your favorite Assassin's Creed character (main or secondary)?

Mario is my favorite character so far. He’s a grizzled warrior who has done everything he can to keep the Assassins alive and the war against the Templars in check. He’s also a very noble man in that he keeps his entire town secure from surrounding forces. He’s a strong figure even though he has his shortcomings. I was sad the see him eliminated.

What time and place would you like the animus to go to in AC3?

I’ve made this clear from the first time the topic went up on THB, I want ACIII to be centered on feudal China. I’ve read a few books focusing on this era, and the amount of inventions and technology that arose from this period is astounding. There is enough civilization and chaos during the period to blend with the series perfectly.

When you're not playing Assassin's Creed, what other games or activities do you enjoy?

I rarely play other games anymore. I usually play sports games if anything. I’m a huge sports fan. I played baseball in college, so naturally I love watching sports on TV. When not watching baseball, I love to watch basketball, as evidenced by the incredibly unpopular back and forth by FLAE and myself about the NBA. I’m a big college basketball fan, so I’m very excited about the season getting ready to kick off.

I work two jobs now, so my free time is very limited. But when I’m not working, I spend most of my time with my wife and two children. They’re both young, so they constantly want to play, and want me to play with them.

Is there anything else you'd like to add or promote?

I’d like to thank everyone who makes this site not only a treasure trove of information, but also a bit of a safe haven. For me, it’s a nice escape from the real world. Life can be overwhelming without some sort of release. I enjoy having a place to come and get away from all real responsibilities and expectations. Most of us do a pretty good job of respecting each other and being pretty open minded while maintaining our own views and opinions.

The one thing I’d like to promote is the use of the Chat function. I know that I sign on to Chat every time I log onto the site, but rarely does anyone else. I have found that the times that others have been in Chat with me have been quite enjoyable. I really enjoy the stabby chat sessions as well. I would encourage everyone to use the Chat function as often as possible and also try to participate in the stabby chats. If nothing else, you get to know the other people a bit better, for better or worse.

What question would you like me to ask the next featured member?

If you could travel to one specific period in time to be a part of a group, what time would it be, what group would you want to be a part of, and why? Would you want to be in a leadership role or a supporting role, and why?

And here is a question from the last featured member, Arrrogance:
Do you think Assassin's Creed should be further pursued beyond gaming, such as a novel series or movie? (With the right writer/director of course)

There has already been a series of novels by Oliver Bowden. I’ve read Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance and Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. I have yet to read Assassin’s Creed: The Secret Crusade, but have it. I enjoyed the books even though they leave out the modern-day storyline and Those Who Came Before. The books also have some additional events that are not present in the games, which I liked.

I would like to see an Assassin’s Creed movie. I don’t know if a series is feasible, but a single movie could be entertaining if done well and cast chosen carefully.

* Due to my mild obsession with the Templars, I’m very intrigued by the fact that they are the evil force in the games. In actual history the Templars came to power almost overnight, supposedly due to some sort of knowledge that they uncovered while searching the Temple in Jerusalem. They became the most successful and influential group in Europe and parts of the Middle East during their height and gave us many inventions that are still in use today, primarily in banking and finance. The Templars swift downfall came at the hands of an indebted king and a spineless Pope. It amazes me that the most impressive force in the financial realm, as well as fighting force, could be summarily extinguished in such a swift move. I’m also incredibly curious as to what they found under the Temple that gave them such power. The Vatican declared them a force unto themselves, not subject to taxation or conventional law. They basically ruled themselves as a freestanding unit. They must have found something that would have shaken the foundation of society at the time to garner such power and respect from an organization notorious for inflexibility. Many have speculated that they found the bones of Christ or proof that he died and did not rise again. Regardless of what it was they found, they became the most powerful force in the world, but then fell into virtual extinction just as quickly, with all their knowledge and wealth disappearing overnight.

sync's picture
Joined: 06/13/2011

Interesting paragraph on the Templars. Most fans of the AC series naturally tending towards the Assassins' cause, the Templars are immediately categorized as evil. It is surprising that you don't seem to like AC1 much, since their depiction in this game should be the most faithful to what they actually were (all PoE storyline aside).

GopherBlaine's picture
Check your 6.
Joined: 01/21/2011
Sync wrote:
It is surprising that you don't seem to like AC1 much, since their depiction in this game should be the most faithful to what they actually were (all PoE storyline aside).

Sync, I didn't mean to give the impression that I don't like ACI. I do like the game, I'm just a little biased towards ACII because it was my first real experience with the series. I didn't get ACI until after I had completed AC:B, so the movements and pace of the story were a little frustrating compared to the later editions.

The Templars were framed.

sync's picture
Joined: 06/13/2011

Okay. Having discovered the games in the chronological order, I never really thought about how it must feel to do so in reverse. Playing AC after ACII and ACB must be like playing in slow motion!

Pty James's picture
Pty James
Panama City
Joined: 12/05/2009

Great interview GB, congrats!
And I have to say its kind of amusing to see you and FLAE talk about basket even if nobody else joins the thread.
Anyway thanks for sharing your thougts about all those things with us Smile

JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
[On the meaning of BAMF]i figured it was something similar to a MILF

Babes Await My..............Flap-a-doodle Laughing out loud

GopherBlaine's picture
Check your 6.
Joined: 01/21/2011
Pty James wrote:
Great interview GB, congrats!
And I have to say its kind of amusing to see you and FLAE talk about basket even if nobody else joins the thread.
Anyway thanks for sharing your thougts about all those things with us Smile

Thanks James.

The Templars were framed.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

It seems that about every time a featured member topic appears I'm surprised to see it (because I keep forgetting that there's one at the beginning of the months). So this time I was prepared for it. I checked the website at least a few times for a featured member topic on the front page. As it was, I did not expect it to appear when it did. Tongue

So, my first real playing experience was ACII, and it has completely given me a bias to Ezio over Altair.

Aw, man. Really? Sad But you did play AC1 eventually, right?

I didn’t like how AC:B was set solely in Rome. I enjoyed the travel in the first two games. I liked seeing the different architecture of the different cities and how the people varied and enemies varied. I hope that in AC:R and ACIII they give us more of a variety again.

Agreed. Besides the architecture the enemies wore the same colored armor, and the clothes were mostly the same too. Sometimes I got seekers mixed up with Borgia captains and other guards who wore the same kinds of helmets. What I liked in AC2 was the guards clothes were the city colors (blue in Venice, green in Forli, yellow and orange in Florence and Tuscany I think, and in the last place pink and white).

I would encourage everyone to use the Chat function as often as possible and also try to participate in the stabby chats.

Frontpage this now. Oh wait, it's already frontpaged. Big smile Nevermind.

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009
aurllcooljay wrote:
As it was, I did not expect it to appear when it did. Tongue

That was my fault. I was moving into a new house on November 1 and didn't have internet access until the second.

GopherBlaine wrote:
I would encourage everyone to use the Chat function as often as possible and also try to participate in the stabby chats.

Hey, I can do a weekend stabby chat this month on November 19. Those who have a time preference, please send me a PM.

You won't even feel the blade.

Arrrogance's picture
Joined: 06/30/2010

By novel, I meant one that didn't relate to the game storyline in any way, or very little way. Like a brand new Assassin, maybe even a new person for the Animus.

GopherBlaine's picture
Check your 6.
Joined: 01/21/2011
Arrrogance wrote:
By novel, I meant one that didn't relate to the game storyline in any way, or very little way. Like a brand new Assassin, maybe even a new person for the Animus.

Sorry. I wouldn't mind reading further novels based on the Assassins. I think they could easily come up with numerous novels to continue the brotherhood beyond the characters that we have seen. The comic books have given an interesing setting the the Assiassins as they incorporated the chaos in Russia. This idea could be expanded upon over many eras and many locations.

The Templars were framed.