Found it while checking today, it's actually from an interview Playstation 3 Magazine UK had with the devs. I think it it clears up some clouds about what the multiplayer and the single-player will be. If anyone else is interested:
Hmm, tht link is too long.
nice. finally we get some solid info on gameplay mechanics.
and it appears that stabguy has all links automatically become hyperlinks. this happens automatically with the Invision servers (another board i frequent is hosted on those). but yeah, GR needs to trim the fat, as it were, and not make all their articles have these ridiculously long URLs.
Sounds pretty good. Thanks for the (rather long) link Wanted sounds like a really interesting mode. I can just imagine the thrill of dispatching your target before being brutally stabbed from behind
Hopefully the other modes are good too.
this sounds really good right now. i'm excited!
tomorrow is E3's coverage of Ubisoft's panel. and they WILL be showing a demo of the multiplayer, according to producers. i most likely won't miss it, but if i do...thank God i have a DVR!
Hmm, tht link is too long.
Here's a BBCode tip. You can use the [url] tag to make any text link to a specific URL:
We use [url=]the example site[/url] in these examples.
So you can do things like this:
While checking today, I found this interview from Playstation 3 Magazine UK.
Then nobody has to see the long link.
That's some nice info, now I want to play it even MORE...! xD
Thank you very much for the info.
Stealthy Melee in multiplayer requires one very basic thing: your opponent cannot do the same things you can. In the Wanted mode, the solution is to assign those you're supposed to kill and those you're supposed to run from. Simple. But they're gonna need more modes. I'd very much like some team play and the ability to somehow kill the guy who wants to kill you, or at least who wants to kill one of your friends. I think the multiplayer will work, but I don't expect much from it. I don't think it will get anywhere near Splinter Cell: Double Agent's multiplayer. They'd need tons of clever ideas to accomplish such a feat... and they're used to develop brain dead games lately.
Besides, have a look at this:
"VP: We favoured a defensive system in AC II and this was appreciated by many players, but the more hardcore player wanted to get done with it and go faster and get rewarded. So we said okay, let’s keep the best bits and rewarded offensive play more."
I gotta say these are the noob players, not the hardcore, fella. This totally confirms my theory that ubi is making the AC franchise in order to make noobs think they're hardcore. That's why the games are so annoyingly easy! And there are no diff levels to let the noobs know they're noobs. (Nothing against the noobs, btw... just against ubi's deceptive strategy and the waste AC games are becoming.)
This is not down to the devs. In the original builds of AC1 Altair died in one hit.
I wonder if the creative devs get frustrated by the demands for brain dead gameplay.
It's good to have you back, Solid.
I gotta say these are the noob players, not the hardcore, fella.
I'm reminded of an AC1 noob named Johnny-n-Roger. He listed 10 things that frustrated him such as "Altaïr can't swim", "over-skilled guards", and "climbing is painfully slow". Ian and I ridiculed him at the time but I can't help thinking that Johnny-n-Roger got what he wanted with AC2. As Joe Juba wrote in Game Informer, "Assassin’s Creed II is still a fantastic game, but it feels like the team listened too closely to people who didn’t like the original, losing some of what made it special in the process."
Same here, Stabby.
I agree with you and Juba. I also took a look at the 10 things. Funny.
There are the artist who are true specialists and create things beyond the public's expectation, so that the people can learn to enjoy more sophisticated things. These artists elevate the people.
And there are the artists who sell themselves into just making what a larger number of people expect, even if it means a crappy piece of work.
I wish that all the improvements ACII made were augmented by more difficult gameplay. Difficulty modes NEED to be added to AC:B. Come on. How are all the bad players going to learn to not suck at multiplayer without a Master Assassin difficulty level?
What about in the ORIGINAL build for AC1, they were saying "Altair can't take 100 shots to the head, in fact, he can't even take one... well unfortunately, I'm dead." I liked that idea. I feel like this was supposed to be a stealth game initially, but all the "super-kewl fighting moves LOLZ" eliminated almost any difficulty.
I think they really should put in difficulty levels. It would make the cool kids (THB) so much better.
And for everyone that enjoys grabbing Trophies/Achievements like me, there should be one for beating it on all difficulties.. tw-ice.
Well, SOMEONE'S seeking a challenge!
Well, SOMEONE'S seeking a challenge!
ROFL. Yes, indeedy. I'm sure lots of people will support my opinion as well