Hello, I am very pleased to be finally a part of the Assassins Creed community. I am redoing AC1 after a long break from it and am enjoying it very much. I only enjoy AC1 though as, with no offense to anyone intended, I disliked AC2 alot as I was not immersed in it as much as the previous game. I am a very respectful to everyone that I meet, and really enjoy being in their company
My style of gameplay in AC1 is that I am extremely patient, and I beleive that being stealthy and discreet is the key to success. But when I see the chance to strike I do not hesitate. I take the time to plan each assassination down to the last detail by planning an entry, assassination, and exit strategy. Some things don't go to plan, but I am all to happy to adapt. In the fights, I wait and counter the first enemy then continue to combo kill, and counter (mostly counters) until all have fallen. I hardly ever run if I am in a fight and try to remain calm
Despite all this templar stabbing, I am a very civilised person and have a very clear difference between the game and reality. It would be a great pleasure to meet all of you.
my very best wishes,
Hey, welcome to the forums. Probably a lot of the reason you didn't like AC2 was that it was impossible to plan strategy for the assassinations unless you restarted the mission, becuase you never really knew where the target would end up.
I don't care for ACII either. But it's okay, because I'm not getting bored of AC1.
I hardly ever run
I often run from fights, especially when I get hit, because quick escape is a game in itself. It gives more meaning to knowing the climbing routes and the hiding spots.
And I do get hit. Especially when I try to be classy and do combo kills instead of counters.
But yes, basically, taking it slowly is the key to its depths in my experience, too.
I am very respectful to everyone that I meet, and really enjoy being in their company![]()
Dracox872 wouldn't happen to be your evil twin, would he?
Dracox872 wouldn't happen to be your evil twin, would he?![]()
Haha that's hilarious. XD
If you love AC1 then you will love this site, you will fit in perfectly here. I suggest you stop reading this and rush over to the AC1 section and read some of the topics there.
Also maybe check out some of Ian and Stabs AC2 videos, might inspire you to replay it again because I still think the assassinations were pretty good in that game
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I'll definatly be spending most of my time in the AC1 forums. I find it hard to get bored of AC1 because it's the original, and there is something about the 3rd crusade, the holy land, the fortress at Masyaf, and the general style of the game. It's awesome
Welcome to the forums!
AC1 is my favourite, as well. Shock and awe is my main fighting style, but I prefer fast escapes.
aurllcooljay wrote:
Dracox872 wouldn't happen to be your evil twin, would he?![]()
Haha that's hilarious. XD
Oh and hai!
*ooohh lookey a feather!*
Assholes? You honestly didn't expect this kind of talk about you after the way you behave?
Not entirely sure why your smiling. An embarrassed grin, perhaps?
Anyway, welcome to the site, Lbtc9! You seem rather polite and friendly so its a pleasure to read your ideas
I largely agree with you about ACI being so good. ACII adds many things but it loses the true feeling of stealth and the Creed itself
Yea I agree, Altair was mabye not the perfect assassin but a stealthy one. Ezio has to deal with things much worse than being stealthy. Assassins Creed 2 made the game more
"rush in and start choppin people up" as defined by my history teacher who watches his son play... he also is worried about the fact that his son beats up random women in Ac2, but thats a completely different story.
Anyways, though it lost its stealth, the fun of combat speaks for yourself.
In assassins creed brotherhood, they brought the stealth back by introducing assassins who can help you in completing a mission without having to be seen once...
Oh and Patrick... yes, yes indeed.
Draco, you made a useful, interesting and (mostly) inoffensive contribution to the thread! Well done! (Please note that I am aware of the sarcastic patronsiation here and no offence was meant )
I agree that the BAM brings back an element of stealth but it doesn't quite have the same feel as AC1 for me. In AC1 you're completely on your own and have to be stealthy as a lone Assassin, whilst the Brotherhood help A LOT in AC:B.
Don't get me wrong, it's good to know that the guys and girls you have saved have always got your back but I find its more fun to avoid using them too cheaply. There's more of a challenge that way, based on your own/Ezio's personal use of stealth
I would really love it if you were attacked by 100 papal guards, and you actually had to fight your way out of it. For example, there should be an area in teh game (mabye the vatican) where papal guards rush out and attack you if you get near it. Not a couple papal guards, but an immense amount. Like a LOT.
Sure its not stealthy, but it does take skill and thats whats fun.
Stealthy missions are often a bit slow paced and boring sometimes, but if the map is designed correctly, it could be a worthwhile gameplay experience.
wow. i dont sign in for a couple days, and i feel like im so far behind! welcome livebythecreed9. you sound like just the type of person that would fit in here.... but you need a nickname! you should pick something before someone else picks it for you.
Nickname picked= TemplarDestroyer? how does that sound IanX04, could you please give a suggestion? That's the best one that I could think of the top of my head...Masyaf Man?
Nickname picked= TemplarDestroyer? how does that sound IanX04, could you please give a suggestion? That's the best one that I could think of the top of my head...Masyaf Man?
Or "The Newbie"
No thanks, I have been playing AC1 for two years and have compleated AC2 multiple times. So am not a newbie am I missing something?
something based on your username, otherwise nobody will remember it, LBTC.
I suggest Creed. Doesn't sound too bad
No thanks, I have been playing AC1 for two years and have compleated AC2 multiple times. So am not a newbieam I missing something?
You're the newest active forum member. In any case, I like LBTC.
LBTC or Creed. Either work for me so its upto you And Draco, I kind of agree about the Papal guards. They're bigged up to be really dangerous and deadly but you only ever fight a couple at a time and they're way to easy to beat. If there were more of them to attack you it would encourage stealth (to avoid them) but also allow a really fun and challenging battle to take place if you prefer
I demand to be attacked by 100 relentless papal gaurds. plox
Welcome, LBTC. It's nice to meet you.
If you and al-Assas want to busy up the AC1 forum, more power to you.
I demand to be attacked by 100 relentless papal gaurds. plox
I'm pretty sure the game would freeze with that many enemies.
DracoX872 wrote:
I demand to be attacked by 100 relentless papal gaurds. ploxI'm pretty sure the game would freeze with that many enemies.
Lol. 100 would be... insane
But yeah it probably would freeze. Assassin's Creed II froze a couple of times for me just because I carried out a double hidden blade assassination and had two other guards about to attack, before I quickly scaled a wall.
The game must have got confused and thought "Woah, two kills at once, fair enough, a double assassination, I can handle that...oh no wait now he's being attacked, lets go into conflict then... wait, what? now he's climbing up a wall and running away! I CAN'T HANDLE THIS... F*ck it, I'll just freeze..."
How about gaurds that just keep coming out of the vatican. 15 of them. when 3 die, two more rush out. then this goes on until another 15 come out. this would allow the game to render the corpses...
My apologies, I misunderstood. Indeed I am a noobie in the forums department
Oh yeah Draco here is an idea for a vid, make a Papl guard flee in a fight. I think you know where I got the idea from.
And yeah I was dissapointed by the papal guards. First time I played it I would be getitng killstreaks as usual then I would be all like, hang on a sec was that a papal guard? Oh well they are all dead anyway.
It doesn't matter how strong they are, if im in a blind rage halfway through a kill streak all I gotta do is attack them once and they are dead. Only 4 of them are wating at the vatican and you can kill them easily with double assassinations. A couple of them roam around in the vatican district was is cool and all, but you NEVER go there except for a few flags and assassin contracts at the end of the game. Hopefully in the next game they introduce the tough guards like halfway through the game, this might motivate me to by armor for once
I agree with the Papal guard argument. I find it 'funny' how the vatican's best guards are not guarding the entrance to the castelo. Yes they are near the entrance. But their view is blocked by a wall. You can't get into il vaticano without first passing the castelo. (Let's think of it as only ezio can swim) So why leave the castelo completely unguarded? Other than the few seekers and guards on the bridge, who are blind as a rat
I've noticed when you attempt to use an execution move on Cesare, you simply blow back his defense. I feel this is how execution moves should affect the papal guard
I like to trap papal gaurds in an area, and then beat up their friends while they watch. I'm gonna go watch Dexter to get some more ideas.
Well LBTC it is then, I am very pleased to meet you as well LisaMurphy. It seems this forum page is half dedicated to killing Paypal guards, they look huge and incredibly formidable. That is from what I have seen from the trailers, but Ezio is so brutal and fast in this game he is unstoppable.
Please excuse me, I must deal with Sibrand the head of the Knights Teutonic and free Acre from his lunacy. Honestly, this guy has lost it.
Back soon
have u all seen the movie Troy? It has Brad Pitt as Achilles. After watching Troy for the 10th time, i noticed Achilles fights alot like Ezio. Slaughters everything in his path, nearly invulnerable, Achilles even has similar moves as Ezio, or should i say, Ezio to Achilles. Im 90% positive some of Ezio's new moves came from Troy (: just thought i'd throw it out there. If you don't believe me go search youtube
Wow, know what you mean! I love Troy, such a cool film. Nice observation
I've got it! There was Desmond, the Assassin of modern times. Before came Ezio, the Assassin of the Italian Renaissance, before came Altair, the Assassin of the Third Crusade...before came...Achilles! The Assassin of Ancient Greece!! Assassin's Creed 3 should relive the memories of Achilles!! xD!
Altair's lineage is no longer a mystery! He descended from Achilles himself!
Yea, but unlike Achilles, Altair and Ezio have no weaknesses. They kick ass and leave. Nothing to stop them.
Well lets not forget, you're not Altair or Ezio. You're Desmond in the Animus. I'm pretty sure were you actually playing as Ezio in real time, a gun shot to the face would kill Ezio. Or an arrow to the face, in Altair's case.
Ever wonder how Achilles' only weak spot was his heel? And he was otherwise invulnerable? The answer, my dear child, is the Apple of Eden!
Cmon, how can Altair NOT be Achilles' descendant? It just ties in all to well! If you relive Achilles' memories in Ac3, im going to be so pissed, i will construct my own hidden blade, and go murder ubisoft
After playing Ac1 again out of boredum...i noticed Al Mualim stated about the Apple of Eden 'Ares used it to start the Trojan War'....Achilles fought in the Trojan War!! Its just to much evidence! (lol)
Someone needs to write a story on Achilles as an Assassin. I really wanna read something about that haha. I'd write it but im a bad writer, and lazy
I noticed Al Mualim stated about the Apple of Eden 'Ares used it to start the Trojan War'.
He actually says "Eris". She's the Greek goddess of discord who initiated the Trojan War. Not that this takes anything away from your point. Carry on...
Thx for the correction, stab lol. I've given up on this idea considering its simply brought tension and arguments to the forums...
I've given up on this idea considering its simply brought tension and arguments to the forums...
But the forums live off tension and arguments...
Well it mostly brought out the 'inner troll' in that Draco fella
Don't let the haters get you down, Arrrogance. The funny thing about Ares/Eris is that I've had this exchange with three different people now. It's an Assassin's Creed SAQ (seldom asked question).
Okay so i know i've said i've given up on this Achilles idea...but I felt this was worth mentioning, as its quite coincidental. In this youtube fan-film series (Assassin's Creed 3:Vengeance) Achilles is indeed the ancestor of Altair...of course it is a fan film, i just find it funny how he had the same idea
I agree, it does seem logical due to the reasons you've mentioned that Achilles is the ancestor of Altiar. Would it make a bit more sense then for AC3 to be set somewhere around Greece?
Well maybe...if you play as Desmond the entire time. It would be dumb to run around as Achilles lol
Oh yeah *palmface* haha sorry...history is not my strongpoint.