[front-paged by stabguy]
I decided to see if there is anything worth finding in this lair. Turns out there is due to the ridiculous amount of graspable surfaces that there are in the game.
Area Exploit #1
Near the beginning of the place right after you open the gate climb to the ledge on the left part of the room. Move right to the arched window and jump back to another arch. Drop down and grab the ledge right above the doorway. Move down to reach the other side of the door and climb up to the arch. Jump to the right and grasp the ledge on the wall. Jump right again to grasp the window and climb up to the arch. Jump right again to land on a platform. Kick off the wall to land on the platform on the other side. Get to the end of the platform, run up the wall and jump to the left. You are now free to explore the rest of the place. One more thing to note is you can't use climb leap during the beginning of the memory, possibly to prevent something like this from happening.
Glitched Scene
After doing the area exploit get as far away as you can from the Romulus follower (he shows up as a target on the map/minimap). The farthest you can get is a little under two hundred meters, in the room near the end with all of those Romulus followers. When you come back the Romulus follower isn't there anymore. Activating the scene without him gives the illusion of the chair throwing itself. Because the scene is glitched it cannot end.
Another Example
After doing the area exploit get in front of the Romulus follower and assassinate him (also works with melee weapons). The scene is still activated, but the Romulus follower isn't animated for the scene and is unaffected by it. In this case the scene won't end either, however you can choose to skip cinematic in the game menu.
Area Exploit #2
After the scene with the Romulus followers you regain the climb leap ability. Climb up a certain ledge and do climb leap to another ledge that is low enough to grab. Now you can reach the area where the target is (if you didn't get the catch ledge ability yet you will have to do the first area exploit). The target is in a crouching position until you kill all of the Romulus followers. Then he stands up for the scene that will start. The scene itself won't start if you are up where the target is. Now time to mess around with the target. He seems to have the basic AI of a civilian (which is better than no AI, I guess). He reacts to money and gets scared by a shot from the hidden gun, causing him to run away. The path he takes leads him to a wall. I haven't found a way to preassassinate him.
Exploring the Place
Thanks to the area exploits you can explore the whole place without having to chase the target. The different things you'll see are...
1. The lifts the target takes. Normally you can't go in the small rooms since the target blocks you off.
2. A place where you can fall below the map.
3. Scenery you are able to pass through (these are destroyed by the target when you chase after him).
4. Other things not shown in the video, such as a barrier where the target closes a big door after you find him.
Dude, get a recording device other than a camera or something. You're making a boatload of videos and I can barely see what ledges you're grasping.
Shouldn't this be under the "There is no Spoon" section? And is the video quality that bad, Phi?
Like I said, I can hardly see what ledges you're grasping.
Besides, I think outstanding videos like these deserve good quality recording.
I can see the ledges just fine in the video. Sorry that I can't record better quality, I'm currently a bit low on money.