[Front-paged. -stabguy]
This is the last memory in sequence 2.
Full Synch
The full synch requirements are:
1. Avoid firing line damage.
2. Find and kill the general.
3. Perform stealth assassinations from a corner spot - 3/3
I start from the checkpoint right after you enter the fortress. At the beginning I head left to the ship. You can get all three corner assassinations from here. First corner assassinate the captain patrolling outside the ship (either wait for him to come around the corner or whistle, but I couldn't help getting him as he was tuning away). There's another captain on the ship. Lure him with a whistle if you don't want to wait for him to come around a corner. A guard stands in front of the prisoners on the ship. Use whistle to get him and free the prisoners.
The two other sets of prisoners are guarded by a patrolling captain each. I'll keep things minimal by not killing anyone I don't have to (and drawing unnecessary attention). Head from the ship to the prisoners right in front of you. Wait for the captain to get right in front of them to free them without getting seen.
Now head for the general. He is located to the very right of the area. His map marker shows up when you get close enough. And since he isn't close to any of the prisoners, many players miss killing him. You need to kill him before freeing all the prisoners or you'll lose the chance. I see at least a few ways of successful stealth kills here. Since he was inspecting a haystack I killed him right there, almost getting seen (close call).
Now for the last prisoners. Use the tall grass to hide from the patrolling captain and free the prisoners at whatever convenient time there is. The scene will now start.
After this checkpoint all you have to worry about is getting hit by the firing line. That's the easy part.
Turkey Shoot Eagle Strike
The target has some weird AI. He doesn't always give chase, but instead just fires his gun around. If you have trouble getting him to chase you, go into a hiding spot (you can also get him to chase you by hanging from a ledge or getting on a surface on a different elevation than him). Keep some distance from him, but don't get too far away, or he might walk back to the fortress.
Lead him to the ship, which is the only place high enough in the area for an eagle strike. Now for the turkey shoot. Break his line of sight to hide in the nearby tall grass until he gives up looking for you. Here's the weird part. A yellow circle stays on the minimap from him looking for you. Also the target appears to be unresponsive. Move him to the location by the ship. Climb up near the top. From the place on the video jump straight off. I help to aim my jump by aiming ( ) and lining up the edge of the tailcoat to the structure where I will grasp the ledge.
Grasping in AC3 is different from the previous games. You have to hold right after jumping until you catch the ledge. Another thing to know is if the target wasn't turkey-shooted he would have blocked the air assassination attempt.
After killing him the scene won't start, but luckily you have the option to skip cinematic.
I think you need the CCCP (11/11/11, link below) to make it work. But, anyway, why use moviemaker? With Anri-Chan, you don't need any other software anymore. Really.
Thanks for your help, Fed.
But, anyway, why use moviemaker? With Anri-Chan, you don't need any other software anymore. Really.
I guess I'm just used to Moviemaker.
Using an animal to take out an enemy is repeatable. I've seen it happen about 4 times. The fourth was actually in reverse (a soldier shot a wolf).
I was actually referring to a Predator move with the Rope Dart, as 2xMcStab said. However, the assassination using an animal should be named as well (provided that it was more than a fluke/is repeatable). Human Bait?
Predator Assassinate isn't defined yet but I think DAZ means to kill your target with a bear.
Predator Assassinate isn't defined yet but I think DAZ means to kill your target with a bear.
Or an elk, cougar, wolf, bobcat...
Maybe he was referring to the Predator move with the rope dart(?)
Oh, dear, new definitions. Could someone explain what turkey shoot, eagle strike, and predator assassinate mean? Man, my AC jargon is not up to speed.
I really enjoyed this sequence. I used to have a more difficult method for taking out the general which I discovered last week wasn't going to work all the time so I had to come up with something new. My new method, which I'm unsure will work 90%-100% of the time, is to hide at the crates closest to the hay cart, whistle to the guy hammering away at the stocks and corner assassinate him, then hide in either the tall grass or the hay cart. Oddly enough, the general came into view of my victim and didn't react. I let him make another round before whistling to get his attention. The rest is self-explanatory. I like to experiment a lot with what works best so I don't know if this will work the majority of the time.
Oh, dear, new definitions. Could someone explain what turkey shoot, eagle strike, and predator assassinate mean? Man, my AC jargon is not up to speed.
Here you go >>
ACFangirl wrote:
Oh, dear, new definitions. Could someone explain what turkey shoot, eagle strike, and predator assassinate mean? Man, my AC jargon is not up to speed.Here you go >>
Wow, there are so many! When I said my AC jargon wasn't up to speed I actually meant I didn't know AC players had that. O.O
I have an idea of how to do a Blitz on this target. I'm trying to think of ways to do more than just that for a video, though. I don't like putting up super short stuff. :/
The way I see it, the fastest blitz would be to run around the building, like in the video. Since you're looking for some other stuff, here are some challenges:
1. Test out the docks and other areas to see if "There is no Spoon" works (after turkey shooting him of course).
2. Try a stunt from the ship, nearly high enough that the fall kills you. I think if you land behind the target you may be able to do a kill animation from behind. If not, turkey shoot him.
3. Here's a real challenge. Somehow obtain a heavy weapon. As far as I know, there aren't any available in shops at that part of the game, and if there were any enemies to get one from, you wouldn't be able to keep it. The reason for this challenge is because of the special attack (using the ranged button), which embeds the weapon in the enemy's head. I would expect there to be a splitting headache during the scene.
4. Not a challenge, just something I found. You aren't supposed to be able to get on the outer side of the wall in that area. If you go around it from the right (possibly from the left too, I haven't checked), past the memory wall, you can stay on that side without desynching as long as you stay close to the wall (there is an additional memory wall that prevents you from leaving the area completely). You can even get on the other side of the invisible barrier at the gate entrance.
The way I see it, the fastest blitz would be to run around the building, like in the video. Since you're looking for some other stuff, here are some challenges:
1. Test out the docks and other areas to see if "There is no Spoon" works (after turkey shooting him of course).
2. Try a stunt from the ship, nearly high enough that the fall kills you. I think if you land behind the target you may be able to do a kill animation from behind. If not, turkey shoot him.
3. Here's a real challenge. Somehow obtain a heavy weapon. As far as I know, there aren't any available in shops at that part of the game, and if there were any enemies to get one from, you wouldn't be able to keep it. The reason for this challenge is because of the special attack (using the ranged button), which embeds the weapon in the enemy's head. I would expect there to be a splitting headache during the scene.
4. Not a challenge, just something I found. You aren't supposed to be able to get on the outer side of the wall in that area. If you go around it from the right (possibly from the left too, I haven't checked), past the memory wall, you can stay on that side without desynching as long as you stay close to the wall (there is an additional memory wall that prevents you from leaving the area completely). You can even get on the other side of the invisible barrier at the gate entrance.
Great! I'll see what I can put together!
Aurel, do you think of these possible kill types as you go along or do you do multiple play throughs with your subsequent ventures geared towards finding cool stuff?
Also, what's your success rate with trying these things? How many attempts does it normally take you to successfully pull off something like this? And, lastly, how often do you try something out only to find out that it's not possible?
Just curious because you seem to re-define the "open play" and, as someone said in another thread, really give meaning to the "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted." creed.
Aurel, do you think of these possible kill types as you go along or do you do multiple play throughs with your subsequent ventures geared towards finding cool stuff?
It takes multiple playthroughs to come up with ideas for good kills, although I may have some ideas beforehand.
Also, what's your success rate with trying these things? How many attempts does it normally take you to successfully pull off something like this? And, lastly, how often do you try something out only to find out that it's not possible?
I don't really keep track of the success rate. I just try everything imaginable and hope something works (still haven't quite given up on Talal yet). I think I mentioned it before, but I nearly gave up on the eagle strike because I didn't quite figure out grasping ledges in the game. How often I try stuff depends on how much it's worth finding out. I may give up temporarily and try again later.
Just curious because you seem to re-define the "open play" and, as someone said in another thread, really give meaning to the "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted." creed.
Exploiting missions helps expand replayability. In some cases, it might one of the only things that make a game worth replaying. For example, in assassination missions where it's really scripted, early deaths are more interesting than the assassination itself.
Exploiting missions helps expand replayability. In some cases, it might one of the only things that make a game worth replaying. For example, in assassination missions where it's really scripted, early deaths are more interesting than the assassination itself.
The early death on Carlo Grimaldi (I think) remains one of my favorite videos on this site.
Aurel, what video editor do you use?
If you obtain a compressed video by capturing, that's not good, you have to change your capturing method.
If you obtain an uncompressed video by capturing, you have to encode it. That means it's being compressed, using a different codec than the original one. But if you do it in a single pass*, the software won't know when to put information in the video. Whereas if you do it in two passes*, the software exactly knows what happens in the video, and so it can select when to put information during the encoding process.
I hope I explained correctly, but don't hesitate to ask if necessary.
*this should be an option of the encoding software
Aurel, what video editor do you use?
Movie maker.
If you obtain a compressed video by capturing, that's not good, you have to change your capturing method.If you obtain an uncompressed video by capturing, you have to encode it. That means it's being compressed, using a different codec than the original one. But if you do it in a single pass*, the software won't know when to put information in the video. Whereas if you do it in two passes*, the software exactly knows what happens in the video, and so it can select when to put information during the encoding process.
I hope I explained correctly, but don't hesitate to ask if necessary.
*this should be an option of the encoding software
By compress you mean make it into one title? Hopefully that option is in one of the dvd menus.
By compress you mean make it into one title? Hopefully that option is in one of the dvd menus.
I mean convert from the capturing codec to the final codec. If you captured with a DVD, I really recommend Anri-Chan (link below).
Okay, I downloaded it, but now the video files don't work on moviemaker. Is there a certain way to do this?
According to me, what happened in your video (about the quality) was the encoding method.
The solution would be : never encode in a single pass. Always use two.
Good work, by the way. As DAZ said, it has begun.
According to me, what happened in your video (about the quality) was the encoding method.The solution would be : never encode in a single pass. Always use two.
Umm, a little more detail please? I don't know much about this stuff. Any help is appreciated.
Excellent work, I Full Synched this mission in almost the exact same way you did, but didn't think to Eagle Strike the Target. I'm glad AC3 things are possible. I've also confirmed that you can Predator Assassinate
On a side note;
It has begun.
Yeah. I was actually trying to figure out a way to eagle strike this guy. Luckily, this is NOT the other thing I was working on. I actually won't record anything else until I'm done with the story mode... which may be a while.
I'm just glad eagle strikes are possible in AC3! At first grasping didn't work for me, and I thought it wasn't possible until I figured out how it works. Almost missed an opportunity there. For the record, here are the people who got the first eagle strike in each AC game.
IanXO4 created the eagle strike on William in AC1.
Stabguy got the first eagle strike in AC2 in Climbing the Ranks.
Arrrogance got the first eagle strike in ACB on Carnefice.
Altair92 got the first eagle strike in ACR on Tarik.
If you're wondering why I chose this memory, it was because it was early in the game, and most people playing AC3 would have played this memory already. Early in the memory it would probably be preferred to kill the general first, but I thought it was better to get the corner assassinations done first. And I kept the kills minimal because of drawing attention from guards (I watched a vid where someone full synched this mission, and he did some unnecessary kills).
Also, great work.
Grasping in AC3 is different from the previous games. You have to holdright after jumping until you catch the ledge.
Not exactly right, as per my experiences. You don't actually have to hit at all. Simply aim the
in the direction you want your arms to reach and you automatically grab. This is very annoying, as I like to hang from the edge of buildings and drop finishing up with a roll to avoid damage by pressing up on
. You can't simply press up throughout the fall like you could in other games, because you grab every object on the way down the wall.
aurllcooljay wrote:
Grasping in AC3 is different from the previous games. You have to holdright after jumping until you catch the ledge.
Not exactly right, as per my experiences. You don't actually have to hit
at all. Simply aim the
in the direction you want your arms to reach and you automatically grab. This is very annoying, as I like to hang from the edge of buildings and drop finishing up with a roll to avoid damage by pressing up on
. You can't simply press up throughout the fall like you could in other games, because you grab every object on the way down the wall.
This drove me crazy early in the game when i dropped from a ledge and kept frantically mashing to catch myself as i fell. I have a sensitive controller so that's how learned that the auto ledge grab is now tied to the Left stick.
Nice job on getting the first Eagle Strike of AC3!
Not exactly right, as per my experiences. You don't actually have to hitat all. Simply aim the
in the direction you want your arms to reach and you automatically grab.
Wait, what? That's actually how I preferred it should be. There no point in both pressing and
. It also explains why grasping didn't seem to work for me.
This is very annoying, as I like to hang from the edge of buildings and drop finishing up with a roll to avoid damage by pressing up on. You can't simply press up throughout the fall like you could in other games, because you grab every object on the way down the wall.
I think when you drop down you automatically grasp ledges in front of you after falling certain distances. It helps avoid damage from falling, but it is annoying.
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
Not exactly right, as per my experiences. You don't actually have to hitat all. Simply aim the
in the direction you want your arms to reach and you automatically grab.
Wait, what? That's actually how I preferred it should be. There no point in both pressing
. It also explains why grasping didn't seem to work for me.
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
This is very annoying, as I like to hang from the edge of buildings and drop finishing up with a roll to avoid damage by pressing up on. You can't simply press up throughout the fall like you could in other games, because you grab every object on the way down the wall.
I think when you drop down you automatically grasp ledges in front of you after falling certain distances. It helps avoid damage from falling, but it is annoying.
But I don't grab things right below me... unless I'm pressing UP... then I'll grab every damn thing the whole way down.
You can time the roll at the bottom of the fall by pressing UP after passing all grabable things.
I'll test the "fall from a distance and don't press anything" to see if I auto-grab or not. I've only grabbed things via the though.
yet more genius aruel and not even surprised you the first to get an eagle strike lol