Single out Francesco Salviati.
Nice work, your video quality for the webcam looks much better, unless you are using a capture card you might want to change the settings.
Im glad to see someone else take up this challenge, try do it now without being seen! ( unless you passed the mission)
My capture card won't come for another week. XD
Still using the webcam, but I'm doing what I can. The entire time I've been here, I've wanted to put something up for everyone to see.
I have actually done this without being seen. I had to use both hyperblend and superblend.Of course, it was long before I even had a webcam. I'll see what I can do, but I'm too lazy to do the save points Ian and Stab do, so I actually play through the entire game each time. XD
Same here, but for me to do the DLC I have to rent it out ( long story) and play through. Sucks that its at the end of the game. I had to return it today so my last few videos have been kinda rushed, not renting it for a 3rd time for 2 sequences.
For a challenge try do Stefano de something without being seen, eliminate all guards. Its a lot harder than it looks because you cant target the monks due to their disguises, so you gotta use throwing knives manually. However now that I know more about power blending I could probably do it much easier
Yeah, I should try that out. I'll be getting around to doing more advanced stuff when I get the capture card. I can try to do that technique in the next week, probably.
nice job joey. you make good use of the missing gate and hyperblend.
i have recorded a silent extermination on stefano, called "silent prayer"... just waiting for a good time to edit and publish it. i'll also try to get another take, as the one i have isnt as clean as i like. there a few obstacles for this mission. as jack pointed out, a major one is that you cant lock on. another problem i faced is that the last 4 guards near the abbey door tend to spontaneously respawn if you look away.
actually, there is a VERY easy way to wipe out nearly all of the guards without being seen. when guards see other guards in a fight with mercs, they join in the battle. since the disguised guards are underpowered in this mission, a small group of mercs can easily kill all of the guards in the mission. the problem is that you cant target the guards in this mission (so you cant tell them who to attack)... with one exception. the monk that walks with stefano can be targeted. send the mercs to attack him in the right spot and a short battle ensues where the mercs wipe out everyone in the cloister except stefano. if "silent prayer" has some spare time at the end, i'll add this shortcut to the vid.
Thanks Ian!
What I do when I practice each strategy is basically use a blank slate each time. I go through each mission with no intention of beating it. I just try to recognize each guard's pattern. Also, I attempt to find different ways to reach the target with the desired goal (not being seen, killing each guard...). I tried doing this with Stefano a few times, but the space is so confined and there are so many opportunities to be caught or seen, I never really thought of doing that. But I'll give it a try.
Sweet you found a way to use the mercs. I thought of that as well but couldnt lock on, didnt think to try it on the guy Stefano was talking to
Hey Ian, I just recorded your Stefano strategy (I think I turned it into a mysterious death, but let me know...)
I'll post the video up here when it's finished. By the way, how do you embed videos right on the site? I know there was a forum topic about that, but I can't find it.
Nice video! Quality sorta improved... lol. I really don't like it when people use glitches and go way to stealthy but then again..
You can't spell assassin without 2 asses. One for being a glitcher, and one for being a silent ass ninja. And may I end with: We the people of TheHiddenBlade proudly wear those two asses.
Hey Ian, I just recorded your Stefano strategy (I think I turned it into a mysterious death, but let me know...)
I'll post the video up here when it's finished.![]()
if you dont mind, pls let me post my video of it first.
if you dont mind, pls let me post my video of it first.
Yeah no problem. I can wait.