I thought of this idea a while ago ( as did others) but we found it too frustrating, as there are too many times where you are forced to kill people. So I thought why not try find the minimal kill limit. We could have two counts, who can get the lowest just by beating the story, and another for 100% completion. Its something to do while we wait for ACB
If you mean not killing any guards except when the mission requires you to then that could be an interesting challenge.
I think FLAE did something like this but im not fully sure on his rules. Just found out practice dummies count as kills =)
Sounds boring.. I mean, who can resist stabbing people. And it takes way to long. I mean how many 10+ hours of video are you going to get of people beating the entire game.
who can resist stabbing people. And it takes way to long.
That's the whole point. It's a challenge. Challenges can be frustrating.
Why can't we just swim 6 miles? It takes less time than 100% synchro.
Who said I was going to film it? I might post a picture of the stat results screen but I couldnt care less about proof here, no one would even bother with this challenge if they were going to lie about it
Anyway I have beaten AC2 like 4 times now, I still go back and make videos ( showing lethal kills of course) but this is something for those who want a challenge. Im going to play around with the fists and see what doesnt add to kill stats. It will encourage you to be stealthy more, you wont want to be seen while traveling around, and it will make us use as many exploits as we can to make to keep the count down. The whole point is to figure out a way to get through a staged fight without getting the count added to your stats. If you dont want to do it fair enough, dont have to read any further
And why the heck would you want to swim 6 miles instead? Remember this challenge is split into two parts, you dont have to get 100% synch just beating the story with minimal kills is enough
Sounds fun though. I might give it a shot.
I still dun wanna beat the story again
I still dun wanna beat the story again![]()
...Why is Draco here?
It's a good idea! =]
I just don't gonna make it because i'm a little busy these days because of school. Alot of works to do
So i'm studying while waiting the AC:B. My mom said I'll just have AC:B if I get good grades in school.
I'll just have AC:B if I get good grades in school.![]()
It's worth it!
Danpii14 wrote:
I'll just have AC:B if I get good grades in school.![]()
It's worth it!
Yep !
That's why i'm studying so much..
Study is really boring, but when i get AC:B it will be worth every second.
Yeah man, I know where you're coming from.
If I do shit il just buy it anyway, love having a job lol. But il have to hold off doing it anyway, im playing through normally do film the DLC, sequence 13.
Yeah man, I know where you're coming from.
Hehe, i know....
I'm not as nerd as you think. i just have nerd times and with Brotherhood, it makes me have more and more nerd times. lol
My parent's prolly gonna say no at right this moment, but I'll just pre-order with my birthday money or something. Still us PC players have to wait till around February, meaning I'm retarded enough to get the game about 5 months before it comes out. Heck, I'll prolly not have the time to play it on the Weekdays
Yesterday, i played so much I could barely see. Then I vomited 2 times
. Wasn't the best Sunday night
, but was okay. Oh and guys, don't play Ac2 for 12 hours straight. Very bad idea...
I should prolly get started on my homework...
My use of smilies is irritating.
My parent's prolly gonna say no at right this moment, but I'll just pre-order with my birthday money or something. Still us PC players have to wait till around February, meaning I'm retardedenough to get the game about 5 months before it comes out. Heck, I'll prolly not have the time to play it on the Weekdays
Yesterday, i played so much I could barely see. Then I vomited 2 times
. Wasn't the best Sunday night
, but was okay. Oh and guys, don't play Ac2 for 12 hours straight. Very bad idea...
I should prolly get started on my homework...
My use of smilies is irritating.
I should be doing homework now. lol
I'm going to do it NOW, because i don't wanna get bad grades for 2 reasons.
First -> My mom gonna kill me
Second -> I'll not have brotherhood if i get bad grades..
So, See ya
My xbox live connection is back!
Got a problem, dont have DLC for the EU version so our counts will be different. I rented the NA version but already started it to film bonfire videos. I might save it at the start of sequence 13, then start again on a different file for the no kill comp. This way I can keep replaying any target in sequence 13 whenever I want, so far im up to Marco and its only been 2 days, 5 days left and I gotta return it I reackon I can make it
i did a low kil-count on the first game and was thinking about doin one for this.
however i decided that there are far to many variables to make it work.
are you gonna count fist-fights? if not then FLAE did enough.
are you gonna count mercenaries kills?
are you gonna count kills taken by a poisoned guards flailing?
Im not doing a mental count, the game keeps track of kills for me. Mercenary kills dont add to your stats, and so far only fist fights that end in combos or counters seem to add to my stats, I have figured out ways to avoid these. Im also using weapons at the same time to lower their health then use the fist, or using poisen then punching them. I have been practicing on the file Im using to record sequence 13, its been quite fun and I have figured out a few ways to get past many missions without kills, makes stealth very fun.
does drowning or throwing off a roof count toward the kills?
I think I tested drowning and it counted, im pretty sure roof throwing will but il test it anyway. Btw using the poisen to punch method shown in Spear of Infidelity, you can take out even the main targets without them adding to your stats
does drowning or throwing off a roof count toward the kills?
Throwing someone to their death will count, but not if you shove, gentle push, or steal to move the character.
interesting... on rooftops, i frequently throw the archers to their death because this way of killing them does add to notoriety.
edit: oops.... i meant does NOT add notoriety.
Well im not going to have enough time to do this on the DLC file, gotta return the game soon and I wanna finish off my videos. If you guys go ahead with it, maybe you record the count before sequence 12-13, then record the kill count after 13. That way when you get your final kill count if you wanna compare it from mine simply take off the difference
awww leaving so soon?! it was good to see your vids again.
I gotta return the game tomorrow ( hate this EU DLC) I should have time to do Arch Nemesis, and maybe Doomsday. I have the Mysterious Death for Doomsday done ( although I do get sighted for a split second, I have no idea how to do it perfectly) and il try eliminate all guards.
I might also show the feather glitch if I have time, where you get 100 feathers and deposit thme at once I heard a rumour that the cutscene is messed up as it shows the 50 feather cutscene and the 100 feather one at the same time
I've wondered what would happen with the feather glitch you mentioned. You should really show that. I'm too lazy to collect them all again.
I've done that feather one. What happened with me is that Ezio's mother did her thing, then Uncle Mario came in just after that and said about how "it's not working". I guess it was slightly humorous.
I just started a not-very-strict minimal-kill game for my second playthrough, and it's fun!
I'm back in Florence, 1478, about to protect Lorenzo de Medici from his attackers; Sequence 3 maybe? So far I had one accidental kill somehow in the very first memory, then one when I killed Uberto, then one more when escorting the family out of Florence -- in that battle, I was grabbing guys and using them as shields, letting their allies accidentally hit them. I had to kill the last one myself.
(From a moral perspective, I suppose I should be trying to punch the enemies out myself; better that they wake up dazed and bruised than not wake up at all!)
Then in the first catacomb under Florence, just now, I discovered what the rest of you probably know already -- that I can avoid killing them by taking their energy down to one dot and then giving them a punch! I was doing the human-shield thing and conceding that I'd have to kill the last guy when I used a punch to leave him alive but inert!
I think I have seven or eight kills so far (including Leonardo's dummies; why do they count!?). Any tips on how to protect Lorenzo without anyone dying?
Now that my exams are over I might give this a shot as well. Il give the Lorenzo part another shot, I think FLAE might know what to do
Now that my exams are over I might give this a shot as well. Il give the Lorenzo part another shot, I think FLAE might know what to do
Here's what to do: Knock them down by shoving or grabbing, lock on, attack with fists from behind when they're getting up, and watch the cool kill animation!
I've done that feather one. What happened with me is that Ezio's mother did her thing, then Uncle Mario came in just after that and said about how "it's not working". I guess it was slightly humorous.
I think different things can happen when people try the feather glitch. Either it might show both scenes at once, or one after another (from what I've heard).
It reminds me of when I tried there is no Maria. When the scene started she reappeared, but her hood had dissappeared. It also froze at the end.
Someone should try the feather scene glitch several times and see what happens (backup your save file). Don't forget to record it.
I already did record one of them ages ago, here it is
Also, doesnt something sound a little wrong in your advise when you say watch the cool kill animation in a topic asking for minimum kills?
Anyway im actually starting this now, just realised ACB is coming out real soon and il never be motivated to do this once its out.
I might make a seperate topic for my updates
"Watch the cool kill animation"? No thanks! Now, if there were a "cool non-fatal disarm animation", I'd be up for that.
I'll have more time for the game on Saturday and will see how few people I can kill when saving Lorenzo. If only there were a way to feed him medicine while the battle is going on!
Just did sequence 1, no kills at all so far stats are compeltely blank, I will post an update after each sequence saying exactly where I was forced to get a kill
Sequence 2 completed. Total kills shown in stats = 2
First kill was the guard harrasing Leonardo, you desynch very easily with this guy and its pretty much impossible to progress without killing him.
Second kill was Uberto. However when doing this mission I leaped towards him and stabbed him before he could say anything, and then the kill animation with ezio started, so I stabbed him twice. Maybe if you didnt do that small glitch it normally wont count as a kill, but I doubt it
Can't you use fists against the guard harassing Leonardo? Does it really desynch if you don't use the hidden blade?
If he sees you, you desynch instantly. No yellow arrows or anything. I even hid around the corner, throw some money in his sight and was desynched instantly even though he couldnt see me
Sequence 3 done, no kills there. Total kills in stats are still at 2. I simply lowered Vieri's health and then grabbed him and punched him until he was defeated, didnt want to risk a combo. Mercs in this stage help a lot
Fun tidbit for this stage, the mercs Mario gives you to take out those 10 guards have heavy weapons. if you dont help them eventually one dies, you can grab his heavy sword and hide it near Vieri. After the cutscene pick it up and kill Vieri with style, I always like finding cool ways to kill my target with heavy weapons
Sequence 4 completed: the 3 dummies got counted so I am on 5 kills in my stats. For protecting Lorenzo what I did was punched a random guard that attacked Lorenzo to get his attention, then used the hidden blad on him twice if it was a regular, or 3 times if it was a captain. Then I grabbed them and punched them to KO them. When its just Francesco use throwing knives to quickly take his health out. However for some reason after the cutscene I had killed 2 guards, no idea how. It autosaved so I cant go back. I chased Francesco and tackled him, then locked on and kept punching him. Eventually he got taken out, and it didnt count
Total kills in stats: 7
The potential limit had I not killed those 2 guards somehow with my fists while protecting Lorenzo is 5 ( 3 dummies, Uberto and the guard harassing Leonardo)
I already did record one of them ages ago, here it ishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T_H6S4hqyY
Also, doesnt something sound a little wrong in your advise when you say watch the cool kill animation in a topic asking for minimum kills?
I meant to say knockout animation.
But I heard these might still count as a kill.
Sequence 5 completed, Jacopo did not count as kill. Which means Uberto might not count as a kill either, if I didnt jump towards him and assassinate him normally ( it was really buggy) it might not have added the kill either
Kill Count remains at 7.
5 Kills is the potential minimum at this point, possibly 4
Well, I just laid an egg while protecting il Magnifico -- found the white-clad Pazzi in the middle of the fray and beat him down, but the rest of the guards... I thought I was doing a good job of using just my fists, but then Lorenzo weakened, and... somehow I killed 10 of them!
What an ugly number. And I have no idea how it happened, and couldn't go back to redo it.
When trying to walk him home afterwards, I got caught in another fight and he lost that last half-diamond of health, so I desyncronized. You then start that half of the mission with Lorenzo back at full health! This time I got him home safely using only my fists on the guards.
Now I'm visiting San Gimignano for the first time, and had no problem finding the evil monk and beating him into submission. Still, the kill count stands at a hideous 21 when it should be much less.
sucks when that happens. For taking Lorenzo home I simply ran across the rooftops, I didnt get into a single fight, and at the very end just run into the marker and it skips regardless of your status
I didn't know that the patrician Lorenzo would be willing to walk up there!
I got to the tower in San Gimignano and accidentally tossed a guard off the top after killing Maffei; the other guards I was able to dodge. Same for the Teatro Antiqui (?) where Borgia and Pazzi are; huge fight, but some mercenari kept a lot of them at bay while I escaped. The objective "finish him" stays on the screen even after you "finish" your target; was a bit confusing until I realized that I only needed to become anonymous.
Now I'm in Venice and have 25 kills. It could be a lot less.
You can do sequence 5 with no kills by poisoning your targets then punching them, KOs them and doesnt count on your stats.
As for Lorenzo strategy, he doesnt follow you up on the rooftops. You run to his house and he follows you at street level, and doesnt get into any fights
I discovered the poison-plus-punch combo too; very handy for just knocking guys out without killing them. I'll be making use of it for some of these upcoming missions... if I don't tear open Brotherhood and discard ACII the moment ACB arrives!
Sequence 7 completed
Kills remain at 7, no kills were made in sequence 7
Minimum kills are at 5 for this point, potentially at 4.
This sequence is very thanks to so many thieves all over the district.
When rescuing the thieves you can simply run up to the gate and press circle before the seeker sees you.
For taking out the 5 archers there are thieves everywhere to fight them.
Grabbing archers and throwing them off rooftops count as a kill, however shoving them by barging towards them does not