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sync's picture
Joined: 06/13/2011

During the Mercato Vecchio mission, when you pursue La Volpe's decoy in the streets, you can tackle him in a matter of seconds because he runs slowly. So you end up on the ground not very far from the market, yet the following cutscene begins with both of you on a roof by the water on the other side of the district. I thought this time/space leap could be explained if you let the thief run to see if he goes there by himself. It turns out he does run all the way to the building on which roof the cutscene begins, but he runs in circles around it instead of climbing. I was a little disappointed to see that there was no logical transition explaining why they end up like this. Is there a realistic explanation to this ?
What's funny on the other hand, is what Ezio and the man say to each other while running. I recommend doing this just to hear their lines.

And another thing that happened, I think it was after a Leonardo cutscene, is that the game glitched while a group of 4 citizens walked past Ezio while I wasn't moving, but the contextual camera option remained even after I wasn't blent in anymore. So I was able to walk in the streets for about a minute with the same angle you can activate while blending (Ezio wasn't "glowing" so it wasn't a kind of superblend). It went back to normal when I walked through another group of citizens. I'd love to find out what triggered this because activating a contextual camera at will would be pretty awesome.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

There's another way to activate the unlimited contextual camera glitch. Get blended in a group and use a fast travel station while still in blend. After the loading screen you will still have the contextual camera option until you blend in a group or desynch.

sync's picture
Joined: 06/13/2011

Thanks a lot aurllcooljay, it works. I'm having fun taking advantage of this glitch now. It adds something to the gameplay that makes me feel like I'm playing a different game (in a good way).