"wait till they get a load of me" this should be too easy
Red Mist says that in Kick-Ass (I watched that film literally 5 minutes ago) but it's originally from a Batman movie, I believe...?
Cool Here's mine. Should be pretty easy with the name included:
"Irene Adler was here, either that or the ginger midget
wore the same Parisian perfume."
....... idk have'nt seen many movies
CoolHere's mine. Should be pretty easy with the name included:
"Irene Adler was here, either that or the ginger midget
wore the same Parisian perfume."
Sherlock Holmes ha ha! Ginger alchemist midget FTW!
"A-What's your name?
B- Butch
A- What does it mean?
B- I'm American honey. Our name don't mean shit."
Just saw that movie! Pulp Fiction!
Correct! Your turn Joey
Sorry for stalling this. Had to leave the site for a few days.
"Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts."
The Naked Gun 2 1/2, I finally watched that movie on Comedy Central. It was occasionally funny but ultimately disappointing, probably why it's a network movie on CC in the first place. Regardless, that was a pretty memorable line.
Reviving this!
Wish you were here, FLAE. maybe someday you'll return...anyways here it goes
"You tell him, I kill a communist for fun...but for a green card, I gunna carve him up real nice."
Tony Montana in Scarface.
correct. When Tony's partner approaches him with a contract on Revenga. you're up!
My current signature.
"What does A-U-R-A-L mean?"
"Your ear."
This may be hard, so I'll give a few clues.
1. It's a low budget film made in the late 70's.
2. It could be considered one of many spinoffs/ripoffs of a popular movie that started the summer blockbuster craze.
3. Just recently watched it on Netflix.
No, but you're close. A few more clues.
1. In addition to being a B movie, Netflix also lists it under the genres of Creature Features and Horror Movies.
2. Rated PG.
3. Made the same year as another low budget movie that's also a spinoff of the same 70's movie that started the blockbuster craze. One thing both B movies have in common is a possible government conspiracy.
The Blue Lagoon? does that fit the descriptions? I don't know.
No. Another clue.
1. The 70's movie that started the summer blockbuster craze is Jaws.
Now I really have no fricking clue. stabgal's guess: The Deep
Another clue. The movie was made in 1978.
Made the same year as another low budget movie that's also a spinoff of the same 70's movie.
I came up with Piranha (while taking a shower ). It fits the clues except it was rated R, so now I'm guessing that it was the other low budget movie.
Yes, that was the other movie. This movie title is also based off the name of the killer fish in it. Another clue.
"Martin, it's all psychological. You yell _________, everybody says, 'Huh? What?' "
It must be Barracuda. I had never heard of this movie but figured out the title from your clues, only using the internet to confirm it was released in 1978. Netflix has it on DVD as a double feature with Island Fury in which cannibals eat tourists. Classy!
I must have developed a tolerance for these types of movies seeing I can put myself through them. There wasn't much to Barracuda, although a plot twist makes the movie barely okay.
Alright, here's a quote from a familiar movie:
"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
Hints: It was a romantic comedy released in the 1980's that did not star Tom Hanks. Imagine that.
When Harry Met Sally?
Bingo! The quote was from Harry's monologue at the New Year's Eve party.
I'm amazed I got that right, for two reasons:
1. I didn't look it up.
2. I've never actually seen the movie.
However I watched a movie review a few months ago on thatguywiththeglasses. Nostalgia Chick was comparing two chick flicks, When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle, the latter starring Tom Hanks. Both movies starred the same actress, so maybe that was the clue in the hint Stabguy gave. I'm guessing the scene with that quote was in the review since it sounded remotely familiar.
I hope one of you saw this movie:
"All presidents who start a war in their first term get re-elected."
I have seen that movie. I definitely have. I just have no idea what its plot, title, or actors were.
It sounds like something George W. Bush would say, so my guess is "W." (the Oliver Stone movie).
I hope this isn't a popular quote, or else it would be hard to pinpoint the exact movie.
Another quote:
"Please do me a favor: Play a Nazi!
And if I don't?
They will eliminate you.
Oh great."
Some more about this movie.
It's an independently made fairly budgeted movie. I wasn't sure if I should watch it or not so I looked it up. Some people online were complaining it was offensive because of the way it ridiculed politics, so I then I had to watch the movie! All in all I love the movie.
Wag the Dog?
Here's a quote from the trailer (also in the movie, but might be slightly different).
"Who are these guys anyway?"
"Nazis from the moon."
Iron Sky.
Yup. The movie came out last year. It takes place in 2018, where the president looks like Sarah Palin looks and has a southern accent. Oh, and yeah, Nazis have been living on the moon and begin launching an invasion. After looking on IMDB it looks like a sequel is in development.
Yay! Here's a quote from my favourite movie:
"Excuse me, barmaid! I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring! I ordered an extra-large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fish-bone!"
That sounds familiar, but then again... I don't know. Any more clues?
How to train your dragon?
"Hey, [redacted], you wanna s'more?"
"Some more of what?"
"No, do you wanna s'more?"
"I haven't had anything yet, so how can I have some more of nothing?"
+ 10 points for the next line in this exchange without looking it up.
(Was How To Train Your Dragon the right answer?)The Sandlot. I remember that scene in the treehouse. After that the guy says, "Your killing me, Smalls".
And yes to The Sandlot.
EVERYONE knows "You're killing me, Smalls!" I have found that few people remember the lead up to that iconic line, which is spectacular, in my opinion.
I was lucky enough to see The Sandlot again not too long ago. Also lucky that that line stuck with me. I also enjoyed How To Train Your Dragon, which may be why the other line sounded like it might be familiar.
Here's a quote from a movie, along the lines of: "You can't take away peoples' rights to be a******s".
How to train your dragon?
A few more quotes from the movie.
"You are a savage creature John Spartan, and I wish for you to leave my domicile now!"
" 'You are fined one credit for a violation of the Verbal Morality Statute.'
'What? **** you!'
'Your repeated violation of the Verbal Morality Statute has caused me to notify the San Angeles Police Department. Please remain where you are for your reprimand.'
'Yeah, right.' "
" 'Chief, you can take this job, and you can shovel it.'
'Take this job... and shovel it.'
'Close enough.' "
" 'No, John Spartan, you do not accuse the savior of our city of being in league with a multi-murder-death-killer like Simon Phoenix! It's... rude!'
'I'll be subtle. I'm good at subtle.' "
Come on, guys. This is a 1993 film starring Sylvester Stallone. Similar to this is the 1995 Judge Dredd, also starring him. What both movies also have in common is they're futuristic and Rob Schneider has a role.
Sounds like Demolition Man.
Sounds like Demolition Man.
Now that you mention it... definitely Demolition Man.
Gee, how did you ever guess. That movie was over the top, but in a good way I guess. Gotta love how the police of the future are such wimps, never even heard of murder before. Well actually it's MDK, murder death kill. You're up, Stab Vader.