I think I'm encountering a glitch were my parachutes are no longer in use...
Going to the Tailor shop and says my Parachute bag is full although I cant use them... The number of Parachutes isn't showing on my HUD...
Any tips or help much appriciated...
I'll check to see if anyone else is having the problem or its just me
This is a somewhat common glitch. I had it as well. Unfortunately, the only way to 'fix' it is to keep playing. At some point the parachutes will be accessible again.
Argh I had parachutes in Sequence 7... now I've beaten the game, no longer have the parachutes... Try to get "Fly Like An Eagle" im 15/15 in tailor shop.... hopefully ubisoft makes a patch soon for this...
Maybe try reloading your game a few times, or replay a bunch of memories. Eventually it'll kick in.
ArghI had parachutes in Sequence 7... now I've beaten the game, no longer have the parachutes... Try to get "Fly Like An Eagle" im 15/15 in tailor shop.... hopefully ubisoft makes a patch soon for this...
It happens to me all the time, the parachute symbol doesn't appears but you still have the parachute...just jump and press "Square". Alot of times my parachute symbol disappeared but then a realised that it's just the symbol, not the parachutes itself, try jumping from a high building then pressing square, you'll see.
I did that right on top Castel Sant'Angelo press"square" no icon and just fell to Ezio's Suicide
I'll try replaying memories... Thanks Asaic
"Give Me the APPLE. It's MINE not YOURS" Cesare whins to much
I had this glitch where my parachutes kept disapearing after i had bought them. I remember having a full stock of chutes in my inventory but when look at it a couple hours later they're all gone, i didn't even use a single chute.
My idea worked? if yes, you're welcome.