many of you know that the way to skip repetitive parts of ac1 is to copy strategic savegames throughout the game. but ubi locked the savegames for ac2, so you cant copy them between profiles. it seems the only way to copy them is to back up the whole hdd, which would rly suck. depending on how they implemented savegames on xbox, the xbox may have an important advantage over ps3 on this.
i'll mess around with this for a bit. let me know if you have any ideas.
I can confirm that saves are indeed copiable (is that a word?) on the 360.
However, it looks like the old save backup thing won't be necessary in AC2.
Yes, I've been copying Xbox 360 savegames to the PC using the old Memory Unit + Transfer Cable trick. AC2 has three save slots but I haven't found a way to copy a savegame from one slot to another. There should be a way to load from slot 1 and tell it you want to autosave to slot 2.
However, it looks like the old save backup thing won't be necessary in AC2.
Please elaborate. Are you saying that "Replay Memory Block" has improved to where you can jump into the game at any point?
AC2 has three save slots but I haven't found a way to copy a savegame from one slot to another. There should be a way to load from slot 1 and tell it you want to autosave to slot 2.
Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to be possible.
Also, despite three save slots, it looks like it's still just one file on the memory card/hard drive.
Please elaborate. Are you saying that "Replay Memory Block" has improved to where you can jump into the game at any point?
I'll check it out in more detail tonight and post my findings here.
thx for the info asaic, tho i would still like further details.
nonetheless, skipping is useful for more than just the "obvious" reasons... the ac1 flag vids were made possible by skipping. the broken timeline exploit, stabguy's digipen vid, and his stuck in arsuf vid were all made possible by skipping.
despite three save slots, it looks like it's still just one file on the memory card/hard drive.
Huh. That's odd. I'm only using the first slot and the file name is ASSASSINSCREED2SAVEGAME1. My assumption was that the last digit referred to the slot number.
The savegame file size is down to 116KB for AC2, about one third the size of an AC1 save (356KB).
fastest way to backup ANYTHING on 360 is the Datel Xsata.
100% Legal 3rd party, still allowed by Microsoft.
Sorry guys, it looks like we can't go back and replay any memories at all. None.
This is puzzling. This has to be an oversight. What legitmate reason could they have to not include this? Especially since it was there in the first game.
I really hope a patch fixes this, because this is a pretty terrible oversight. This game is beginning to feel more and more like it was rushed to meet its release date.
Sorry guys, it looks like we can't go back and replay any memories at all. None.
You mean to tell me that Ubi was stupid enough to take a standard feature out of the sequel to a popular game?
Are we still able to play around in the Animus if we beat the game, or does the game just end and we need to start a new game?
Sorry guys, it looks like we can't go back and replay any memories at all. None.
maybe you need to watch all 20 minutes of credits? im only half kidding, since this is what they did in ac1.
ubi claimed that they learned from the mistakes of ac1... and one of the big mistakes was not being able to skip cutscenes. not being able to replay is like not being able to skip cutscenes, only ~100 times worse, and thats not an exaggeration.
On the bright side, these pre-assassination savegames on Xbox are awesome. You just load one up and, bam, you're at the assassination. No more talking to a Rafiq and running across Acre.
I definitely waited until after the credits. You are put back into the animus automatically and you cannot exit. It's like Grand Theft Auto - you can run around and do anything you haven't finished yet, but you need to start a new game if you want to redo any of the story.
I'm glad that we can still do the save backup thing for 360 (though I'd rather not have to), but it's very annoying that this can't be done on PS3.
On the bright side, these pre-assassination savegames on Xbox are awesome. You just load one up and, bam, you're at the assassination.No more talking to a Rafiq and running across Acre.
i actually thought that the timing of the restored savegame in ac1 was perfect. the game resumed right before the point of no return - the talking to the rafiq. you had opportunity scout the area, save citizens, do more investigations, etc. before going into the bureau. after talking to the rafiq, you could also preassassinate guards in preparation.
you may want to collect your ac2 savegames just a little earlier - maybe like right before you accept the assassination mission. this gives you some opportunity to prepare more for the assassination. im not very far into the game - only 1 target so far - so im not sure how well this applies to future targets.
Maybe people who have been making videos to help the weaker players in Assassins Creed can email ubisoft and ask them to fix this issue in order to make this game more sociable again.
- The New Guy
Maybe people who have been making videos to help the weaker players in Assassins Creed can email ubisoft and ask them to fix this issue in order to make this game more sociable again.
I'm not sure who we could email that would even take the time to read the suggestions and pass them on. However, this issue has been brought up in forums all over the net this past week, including the official forum where Ubisoft developers are known to read once in a while.
That's a start, anyhow.
you can run around and do anything you haven't finished yet
Just to make sure... Is everything you havn't finished still there after you've beaten the game? All the Assassination Contracts, side missions etc? I just don't want to finish the game leaving any of that undone
w-w-w-wait... you said that no missions are replayable AT ALL??!!
Patrice, you lied to meeee!
Patrice: ...this time around it'll be easier to replay all the missions. So you can go back and have fun on your favorite missions. I'm not telling you how exactly, it'll come later in a communication about the game, but I'm telling you this. You know what? I wanted to replay some missions and was like, "Oh shit, it's tough."...But this time around, you'll see. You'll see.
this is from an interview all the way back from June. Are you kidding me?
ive been backing up my entire ps3 hdd at strategic points. i stripped most games off my ps3, and i can get a backup in about 15 minutes. this sounds pretty long and tedious, but its not as bad as a thought it would be. i just start the backup and leave for awhile. all these backups go to an external drive. since its compressed, each back up is about 6.5 GB in size.
havent tried restoring yet...
w-w-w-wait... you said that no missions are replayable AT ALL??!!
Story missions are not replayable. You can replay the assassin tombs and any assassination, beat up and race missions any time from the DNA menu. But the "Replay Memory" option is mysteriously missing from the story missions.
I must make an e-petition to include this feature. Those always work!
I must make an e-petition to include this feature. Those always work!
It's been posted all over every AC-related forum across the internet (maybe a slight exaggeration). I'm sure the developers know by now that we want it. However, unless it's unlockable or planned as a patch already, I really don't see Ubisoft green-lighting the budget to add in a features patch.
It sucks, and I really hope I'm wrong.
Has it been posted on the official Ubi forums? I haven't checked there cuz I'm afraid of spoilers.
Has it been posted on the official Ubi forums?
Dozens of times already.
No replayable missions? This is blasphemy! This is MADNESS!!! *waits for someone to finish off the line*
No replayable missions? This is blasphemy! This is MADNESS!!! *waits for someone to finish off the line*
This is....Florence?
the ps3 hdd backup/restore process works fine, but its a nuisance cuz each restore takes 15 min (back ups also take 15 min). on the bright side, that's about how long it took in ac1 to talk to al mualim, travel the kingdom, do investigations, etc. better yet - during the 15 min of restoration, i can just leave and do something else. an anticipated problem with this arrangement is the implementation of ac2 patches. each hdd image would need to be patched upon restoration, and then re-backed-up to avoid future patching.
an anticipated problem with this arrangement is the implementation of ac2 patches. each hdd image would need to be patched upon restoration, and then re-backed-up to avoid future patching.
True. Or you could play offline while replaying memory sequences.
^ yes, of course. but then i would not the benefit of that patch. i forgot to mention that this applies to non-ac2 patches, too. e.g., right now i can just play little big planet whenever since its one of the few games i kept on the image. but a few months from now, i may have to spend 15 minutes restoring a specific image to play little big planet. (i suppose this implies that i should just bite the bullet and strip everything non ac2 from my ps3 images...)
i forgot to mention that a single external drive can hold multiple backup images, and that you can select which one to restore.
i forgot to mention that a single external drive can hold multiple backup images, and that you can select which one to restore.
That could be pretty useful. Not as cost-effective as the memory card/USB deal with the 360, but it sounds like it's almost as convenient.
so i guess the official reason for not being able to replay story missions is that they ran out of time.
Yeah, but I'm glad they didn't push back the release date by trying to include the feature, as well as include memories 11 and 12. I'm also glad they didn't rush anything in. They made a good move given their circumstances.