Hi, I have two main questions concerning Sequence 7. I hope someone can answer them.
1- In the first mission of this Sequence, after you avoid the cannon balls on the city and need to explode two ships, there is a fast way to clear the left Ship (From the perspective you start) and still get Full Synchronization?
Because, in the right Ship, I know how to clear it fast killing just one soldier. But in the left Ship, where I need to perform a Air Assassination, I need to kill EVERYBODY to plant the bomb safety. I want to know if there is a better way, or a faster way, to clear that Ship.
2- John Pitcairn assassination:
There is a way to kill him with no detection without using the flagpole path? I tried other approaches but with no success.
Another question: It's possible to kill him in other ways, like, dropping him from the cliff?
Hi, I have two main questions concerning Sequence 7. I hope someone can answer them.1- In the first mission of this Sequence, after you avoid the cannon balls on the city and need to explode two ships, there is a fast way to clear the left Ship (From the perspective you start) and still get Full Synchronization?
Because, in the right Ship, I know how to clear it fast killing just one soldier. But in the left Ship, where I need to perform a Air Assassination, I need to kill EVERYBODY to plant the bomb safety. I want to know if there is a better way, or a faster way, to clear that Ship.
There just so happens to be a AC3 topic with links to full synch videos (didn't bother to check if the way is fast, too lazy).
2- John Pitcairn assassination:There is a way to kill him with no detection without using the flagpole path? I tried other approaches but with no success.
Another question: It's possible to kill him in other ways, like, dropping him from the cliff?
If you start a wall run at the nearby tent by pressing you can air kill him from there. To get there undetected, when you start from that checkpoint head to the right and stay hidden in the tall grass. There are guards around so do this when they're not looking. If you do anything to get him off the horse you are detected and have to fight him.
Way faster than me. I didn't used the bow to snipe them off. I killed them in the old, fashioned way. No Red bars but.... looked too rubbish. Was a full sync but one that made me feel bad.
But in the Right Ship, I am actually faster than Joey XD. I just need to kill one guard.
I dunno why I overlook the Bow so much. I think bad memories with 2 hit Kill Throwing Knifes blowing my cover.
Maybe that boat is just bad designed, who knows.
About John:
So is scripted? There is only two ways of killing him: Stealth and Fighting?
Well, no wonder there is no videos of him. BTW, I will try your method. Thanks.
Way faster than me. I didn't used the bow to snipe them off. I killed them in the old, fashioned way. No Red bars but.... looked too rubbish. Was a full sync but one that made me feel bad.But in the Right Ship, I am actually faster than Joey XD.
Yeah, I only made a plan for the left ship. The right one wasn't a hassle for me, so I just winged it in the video.
Yeah, I only made a plan for the left ship. The right one wasn't a hassle for me, so I just winged it in the video.
Yeah I understand.
The Right Ship is a piece of cake once you take your time to build a plan. Was almost funny that I just killed one Captain, plant the bomb in the middle of the other Captain blind spots in his patrol and blow the whole ship with all the soldiers on it minus one, was really fun!
I think there's no elegant plan for the Left Ship. I tried EVERYTHING but the position of the Soldiers there leave no blind spots for the bomb until ALL are dead. Bleh.
Sense the Soldiers has Clairvoyance in this game, you cannot Air Assassinate only the target in that ship, because they will notice you even if you Air him behind the boxes, with NO WAY they see you. Well, they said they would fix this in AC4, I only hope.
About John:So is scripted? There is only two ways of killing him: Stealth and Fighting?
Well, no wonder there is no videos of him. BTW, I will try your method. Thanks.
Pretty much. Once I planted a Tripmine where a soldier would step on it and hid in tall grass. When the soldier died I was detected by John Pitcairn, although I was still in hiding. Of course after I got out I couldn't hide again.
Hi, guys. this is my first time in the post comments, because I do not speak English relations. But I am concerned about the long-term, follow and learn from this site. I hope my videos to be able to provide some help.
Hi, guys. this is my first time in the post comments, because I do not speak English relations. But I am concerned about the long-term, follow and learn from this site. I hope my videos to be able to provide some help.
OMG, that was AWESOME =O.
You really deserve a medal sir! Both Right and Left ship done with elegance!
And Dat exploit with the horse! XD I simple loved that Blitz on John Pitcairn.
GREAT variety pack on Pitcairn! How do you manage to get him out of his horse and stay icognito?
My favorite death is the one he falls over the mine! That was epic!
Anyway, don't worry about your English, it's fine for me, we can understand you well. I do hope you post more of your videos! They are front page worthy, IMHO! =D
Dang, you accomplished some stuff I only hoped to do.
How do you manage to get him out of his horse and stay incognito?
That's what I want to know. Anything I tried got me detected, even if it was as innocent as whistle. Those videos certainly deserve their own topic. But can you please put some English annotations?
I throw poison darts (or archery) from a tree, Pitcairn will fall from a horse, but it does not cause detection. The tricky part is to clear the square of patrolling soldiers. You must take him down outside the line of sight in Pitcairn. You can check my other video (in 8:34): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-RFC-AweSg
Another way, if you have been find and cause combat with Pitcairn, as long as recovery anonymous, Pitcairn will stand still.
Did I Answer Your Question?
I thought I used poison darts on him before, although not from the tree. Maybe's there a game mechanic that allows you to be anonymous on the tree in case something should happen.
I tried now, arrows also work, OUTSIDE THE TREE, on the ground, as well, as long when the arrow hit him, you are TOO far way to trigger detection
From the tree you begin your Flagpole assassination, you can shoot a arrow on Pitcairn horse, when the arrow fly, quick go to the other side, Pitcairn will fall and no detection.
You need to clear the area of ALL enemies without him knowing as well, which is quite easy. If you High Profile assassinate the guard you find if you go straight from the checkpoint, the whole camp, except 4 soldiers and Pitcairn will go on you, attract them to the cliff near the checkpoint start and.... have fun.
Stealth kill the rest. Should be easy.
Beware though, if Pitcairn see you out of his horse, it's instant battle!
He don't will look back, so will can push him shoving on him. Maybe you can put him in a possition for a Eagle Strike?
Did I Answer Your Question?
And you did more than that, you proved is possible to make Pitcairn drop his fine steed!
Welcome to the brotherhood! =3
You need to clear the area of ALL enemies without him knowing as well, which is quite easy. If you High Profile assassinate the guard you find if you go straight from the checkpoint, the whole camp, except 4 soldiers and Pitcairn will go on you, attract them to the cliff near the checkpoint start and.... have fun.He don't will look back, so will can push him shoving on him. Maybe you can put him in a possition for a Eagle Strike?
You are right! Just attract them to the cliff near the checkpoint, and push them down. Long time did not play this memory block, so I forgot it.
Eagle Strike seems workable, if he standing a good position. I have tried few times but I never done this. I think it needs to be more cautious move him.
Those videos certainly deserve their own topic. But can you please put some English annotations?
Wow, that is a difficult challenge. but I will try to do it, with my poor English.
You're best hacker in Assassin's Creed. I'm really enjoy watching all of your videos.
Welcome to the Brotherhood, MAGLX!
Your video was very impressive, especially the Kill with jumping off the tent, on top of Pitcairn's horse.
Very fluid, very smooth and stylish.
Welcome to the Brotherhood, MAGLX!
Your video was very impressive, especially the Kill with jumping off the tent, on top of Pitcairn's horse.
Very fluid, very smooth and stylish.
Hi, Thanks for the compliment. I had to make some speedrun videos (Inspired by Fed981) on my channel, especially AC2 & ACB tomb. I hope you will like those.
Impressive videos!
Very cool videos!
You can use Youtube annotations so you don't have to redo the whole videos. And they can be just short descriptions for setups, nothing complicated. For example, when it shows Pitcairn standing still you could put, "knocked off the horse anonymously with bow from a distance and after taking out the guards in the area". Annotations translating the titles will also help.
You can use Youtube annotations so you don't have to redo the whole videos. And they can be just short descriptions for setups, nothing complicated. For example, when it shows Pitcairn standing still you could put, "knocked off the horse anonymously with bow from a distance and after taking out the guards in the area". Annotations translating the titles will also help.
Basically yes.
Don't need to be perfect in english, just being legible already helps a lot.
Also, I hope he posts his videos in their own topics, some like I said are front page worthy!
Hi guys. I have tried to put some English annotations in my video, but I'm not sure it is correct. Please check this video, and just tell me if that has Any problems or you want to give some suggestions. Thanks!
John Pitcairn - Assassination Variety Pack (Provisionally) :
Very good. You just need a short explanation for how to get Pitcairn off the horse anonymously.
Very good. You just need a short explanation for how to get Pitcairn off the horse anonymously.
I got it! thanks.
Do you think, the Eagle Strike is there a way to do it?
Thanks for the English translation MAGLX!
I find funny how Pitcairn AI act when he is disarmed. He keep trying to shoot you. It's very weird.
Very good. You just need a short explanation for how to get Pitcairn off the horse anonymously.
I think he have a video explaining that.
Maybe he can just leave the link on the Video Summary. The Variaty Pack video is too short to put a explanation, I guess.
Also, I suggest a front page in one of those two videos. The blitz or the variety pack. Sequence 7 has saddly no videos yet here
That why I created this topic. John Pitcarn assassination look to have a lot of potential, even more now we know how to take him out of his horse.
I got it! thanks.Do you think, the Eagle Strike is there a way to do it?
I will try as well. If you guys allow.
I will do what you suggested, try to push him out of the cliff and put him near of the trees. Climb the cliff and Eagle Strike him grabing on the tree.
The Cliff is high enough for it too be good. I will report my findings.
Thanks for the English translation MAGLX!I find funny how Pitcairn AI act when he is disarmed. He keep trying to shoot you. It's very weird..
Yeah, it seems the system forced him must be shot before punching. I guess.
I think he have a video explaining that.Maybe he can just leave the link on the Video Summary. The Variaty Pack video is too short to put a explanation, I guess.
Also, I suggest a front page in one of those two videos. The blitz or the variety pack. Sequence 7 has saddly no videos yet here
That why I created this topic. John Pitcarn assassination look to have a lot of potential, even more now we know how to take him out of his horse.
I understand that my video too lacking guides for a variety pack. Because this video was made in last year, I never expected to Posted on this site. So, please help as the title name. Thanks!
In fact, when I was making this video, I am not optimistic about this memory block. It has too many restrictions and too small a space, I can not even successfully execute the real stunt assassination and Eagle Strike. That is really sad. So I just trying all the ways to kill him. I hope this memory block has more potential to prove me wrong.
I will try as well. If you guys allow.I will do what you suggested, try to push him out of the cliff and put him near of the trees. Climb the cliff and Eagle Strike him grabing on the tree.
The Cliff is high enough for it too be good. I will report my findings.
That would be great, I'm really looking forward to the results of your attempt. Good luck to you!
Yeah, we have more hope now that we know how to take him from his horse XP
I doubt we will surpass William Johnson as creative ways of assassination(Stabguy did the Firecraker and the Human Bait, Auriel did the Eagle Strike.)
Too bad no predator or a lot of barrels around =P.
But I will try the Human Shield as well. I will try to use Pitcarn as a shield when his soldiers fire at me, would be hilarious XD.
Impressive videos!
Very cool videos!
Thank you, guys. My pleasure.
Yeah, we have more hope now that we know how to take him from his horse XPI doubt we will surpass William Johnson as creative ways of assassination(Stabguy did the Firecraker and the Human Bait, Auriel did the Eagle Strike.)
Too bad no predator or a lot of barrels around =P.
But I will try the Human Shield as well. I will try to use Pitcarn as a shield when his soldiers fire at me, would be hilarious XD.
Wow, if the Human Shield able to work, it must be very funny. By the way, I never tried to hanging him on a tree, I do not know whether this is feasible.
Wow, if the Human Shield able to work, it must be very funny. By the way, I never tried to hanging him on a tree, I do not know whether this is feasible.
Here my report:
I dunno what I am doing wrong, but I seem I cannot shove him without detection. If I touch him, I enter in instant battle, oh well. I will watch your video later so I can get a better grasp on it.
Report on the Human Shield:
It's tricky but...
The Human Shield WORKED. Was so funny.
But take some steps to pull it off. It's seems impossible at first, but it's doable.
Pitcairn is a Captain class of enemy and act like one. But even still, he will counter your attempts of grabbing him and using him as a shield when a line of fire is ready to shoot.
HOWEVER, if he is stunned somehow (See someone being killed, preparing to shot, reloading his gun, etc etc) he will let his guard down to serve as human wall for slugs.
Pitcairn is trigger happy, so most time in the combat he will be either shooting you or trying to reload his gun when other soldiers are attacking you. You can disarm him and force him to pick a musket to make this even more easier, because he will basically rarely attack with the musket, he will keep trying to shot you, and trus, reloading a lot.
There is some luck involved on this as well; the planets need to align a bit for this to work XD.
There is another type of death I discover, but is kinda boring:
Mel Gibson Fury Assassination!
Basically, you can make a Patriot kill Pitcairn. If you attract Pitcairn to near the Memory Barrier in the shooting field, a Patriot will notice him and engage a fight. He is too weak to kill Pitcairn alone, but if you help him a bit, he will kill him.
It's not trilling, but is something.
I will try to hang him. I hope you or Aurel can do a video with those findings.
There is another type of death I discover, but is kinda boring:Mel Gibson Fury Assassination!
Basically, you can make a Patriot kill Pitcairn. If you attract Pitcairn to near the Memory Barrier in the shooting field, a Patriot will notice him and engage a fight. He is too weak to kill Pitcairn alone, but if you help him a bit, he will kill him.
Also known as Colonial reinforcements in my fort Division variety pack video.
I will try to hang him. I hope you or Aurel can do a video with those findings.
PS3 is broken, so I can't currently do anything on AC3 or ACR.
Here my report:
Well done! My friend. Glad to know that.
Actually, you can not really touch him, if you do not want him to detect you. Just as close to move him, this must be very careful. Especially, lateral pushing will be more difficult.
I guess he should be counter for the break defense, rather than grab. Probably pressing not at the right time, or just a glitch (not surprisingly). But I'm not so sure, I must confirm that when I finish the work at hand and go back to AC III.
NataliaNeeSama wrote:
There is another type of death I discover, but is kinda boring:Mel Gibson Fury Assassination!
Basically, you can make a Patriot kill Pitcairn. If you attract Pitcairn to near the Memory Barrier in the shooting field, a Patriot will notice him and engage a fight. He is too weak to kill Pitcairn alone, but if you help him a bit, he will kill him.
Also known as Colonial reinforcements in my fort Division variety pack video.
NataliaNeeSama wrote:
I will try to hang him. I hope you or Aurel can do a video with those findings.PS3 is broken, so I can't currently do anything on AC3 or ACR.
Yes, but I think this is the only main target we can actually do this style of assassination.
And too bad =(. AC3 in my PC runs with A BIT of lag for being poorly optimized, even so with FRAPs running. So I cannot do myself.
Well, keep this topic in mind when you fix the PS3, kay? =3
I still need to see if is possible to hang him.
NataliaNeeSama wrote:
Here my report:Well done! My friend. Glad to know that.
Actually, you can not really touch him, if you do not want him to detect you. Just as close to move him, this must be very careful. Especially, lateral pushing will be more difficult.
I guess he should be counter for the break defense, rather than grab. Probably pressing not at the right time, or just a glitch (not surprisingly). But I'm not so sure, I must confirm that when I finish the work at hand and go back to AC III.
Oh. I see. Will be tricky, one mistake and there will be a need for restart!
Better pratice the Eagle Strike first!
And thank you for going back to ACIII and help us with the crazy theories XD.
Hi, guys. I have made some tests, here is my report:
The hanging is permitted
There is a strange setting, when you gently push him to move over a certain distance he will automatically return to this area inside, so we can only hanging him from the treetops near flagpole. But if we want to hang him from there, we must let him step back to the right side a little, so that rope dart can be used. But, we can't push in front of him, right? I have one way to move him, it's using the horse to push him.
To get his horse After clear the soldiers of the area, and then the horse will be follow after you dismount. We already know, when Connor leave the horse in some distance, the horse will follow him With straight lines. So, just led the horse to push him from the front.
Stunt Assassination and Eagle Strike
I'm not quite sure, but it seems impossible. Because, Pitcairn will stay in the region before he detect you. And, after he detect you, you will not be able to restore anonymous. When he into the fighting stance, the stunt and Eagle Strike can not do it. I'm sorry, unless we can find a way to restore the anonymous.
The Human Shield
As you said, Natalia. Pitcairn can't be the Human Shield. When the soldiers shouting "ready your weapon ......", Connor towards him to take action is Break defense, and not catch him. I have tried every kind of weapon combinations , they all does not work. In addition, I also take him to outside the warning region, and still get the same result. So, I guess this design is Connor just can't execute the Human Shield to him.
But there is one exception, when he was beaten by other soldiers. In my tests, I had a few times hitting him by Break defense, I clearly saw it was the other soldiers hitting him in that moment, it seems that causing his defense mechanism be canceled. Just be canceled in brief moment. Perhaps this is why the Human Shield will be workable. These are my inference.
Hope my observations can be helpful to this topic.
This is the hanging screenshot:
Great discovery! =D
I too though about the tree near the flag pole, but I had no idea how to move him without detection.
Now I know how =D.
On the Human Shield:
Did you forced Pitcarn to grab a Musket? To do so, kill a soldier with a musket, disarm Pitcarn with a counter-disarm and do everything you can to force him to grab the musket.
I dunno, but him being the Human Shield worked 2 times for me, but in both two times, he had the musket as a weapon!
But I will as well run tests with Pitcarn "Anti-grab" mechanism and see a way to exploid it further. Like you said, I will test this "other people hitting him" theory.
On Pitcarn Infinite Detection:
Hum.... sounds tricky really. You need to maintain 50 m of him, and you cannot use haystaks and grass D=.
I will try as well see a exploit to restaure Anonymat the best I can, if we can do that, attracting Pitcarn to the Cliff will be a piece of cake!
Great discovery! =D
I too though about the tree near the flag pole, but I had no idea how to move him without detection.
Now I know how =D.
On the Human Shield:
Did you forced Pitcarn to grab a Musket? To do so, kill a soldier with a musket, disarm Pitcarn with a counter-disarm and do everything you can to force him to grab the musket.
I dunno, but him being the Human Shield worked 2 times for me, but in both two times, he had the musket as a weapon!
But I will as well run tests with Pitcarn "Anti-grab" mechanism and see a way to exploid it further. Like you said, I will test this "other people hitting him" theory.
On Pitcarn Infinite Detection:
Hum.... sounds tricky really. You need to maintain 50 m of him, and you cannot use haystaks and grass D=.
I will try as well see a exploit to restaure Anonymat the best I can, if we can do that, attracting Pitcarn to the Cliff will be a piece of cake!
Yes, I have let Pitcarn to grab a Musket, but I still can't get him. Maybe it require more times and efforts.
If you want to test the "other people hitting him" theory, my suggestion is to find a narrow space, it will increase their opportunities for hit each other's. And then press and hold the defense button to avoid being attacks.
Hahahah, omg, hahaha
Guys, I just found a way to bring Pitcairn TO THE PATRIOT CAMP SIDE OF THE BATTLE!
Instead attracting ONE patriot, I can attract THE WHOLE SQUAD of 10 or 12, all at ONCE, on Pitcairn!
He basically get beaten by all sides, it's very, very funny.
It's Auriel Colonial Reinforciments put to good use on a assassination target!
Heres the way:
Looks like there is a Memory Barrier blocking you to return to the Patroit side after you reach Pitcairn. But there is a SECOND Memory barrier on the right side (looking back to the Patroit side) that if you follow, you don't will get Desync, and you can attract Pitcairn to the other side of the battlefield, right on the Patroits hands!
I can make a video if anyone want to see how it's done. XD
Hahahah, omg, hahahaGuys, I just found a way to bring Pitcairn TO THE PATRIOT CAMP SIDE OF THE BATTLE!
Wow, this is a very hilarious scene, too crazy. I must going to try this.
Can't wait to see videos of these.