Similarly, I'm all for equal rights for men and women but a lot of so-called feminists seem to take it too far, having negative views towards men and expecting female superiority.
it's a conspiracy, i tells ya
If you're gay, good for you but I don't need it shoved in my face, especially when 'it' is a scantily-clad, overly-tanned, glitter-covered body.
Just as a quick look at the other side, don't you think that gay men are constantly having scantily-clad, overly-tanned, glitter-covered (female) bodies shoved in their faces? Aren't gay people in general constantly bombarded with overtly hetero messages? Maybe they feel tired of it in the same way that you do.
Edited to add: I'm sure most males aren't overly receptive to the constant reiteration of male superiority permeating Western culture, but as a female I definitely hear those messages loud and clear. I can assure you that it gets really tiresome. If some assertiveness is necessary to combat that, I'm all for it.
Well now, when you compare it to the radical feminists, that makes more sense. I'm still very much a supporter for gay rights, women's rights, even animal rights. I actually don't mind the Gay Pride parades because we have parades for all other types of silly things. It won't occur forever. Just until they get fully equal rights. And I'm all for that.
(Though, they could tone down on the scantily-clad part, as it is a public event)
(Though, they could tone down on the scantily-clad part, as it is a public event)
Along those lines, perhaps the scantily-clad women who displayed constantly in order to sell things in advertisements could be toned down as well, since the airwaves and magazines and billboards and such are public also.
100% true story: My husband once showed me an ad in a cycling magazine, picturing a cycling superstar between 2 topless women (all shown from the waist up). He asked me to tell him what was being advertised. I looked at the ad very carefully, read all the copy and ended up having zero idea what the ad was for. He said, "It's for shoes".
Sex sells. But only when it's the female body. Hmm...something's wrong there.
Sex sells. But only when it's the female body. Hmm...something's wrong there.
Not true. Many fragrance adverts, for males and females, seem to be based on the sexualisation of the male (and/or female) form to attract women and give men something to aspire to. For example:
I was just trying to say that it's a very male-dominated media. But yeah, they've been showing a lot more exposed males as well as women nowadays.
Oh no, I agree with you that it's definitely male dominated and therefore there are far more women on display but I just thought I'd show the other side.
Take this for what it's worth... Sex sells for both sexes.
Do I really want to click on that link?^
Do I really want to click on that link?^
It's an article showing heat-maps using eye-tracking software of where male and female viewers look at advertisements. Should be SFW. No real nudity. Male torsos and females in bikinis.... all covered with heat-maps.
Very interesting. Could be used for ad data collection.
PatrickDeneny wrote:
Similarly, I'm all for equal rights for men and women but a lot of so-called feminists seem to take it too far, having negative views towards men and expecting female superiority.
it's a conspiracy, i tells ya
LOL Kenji
LOL Kenji
yay, someone who gets my silly references
I've played all Katawa Shoujo routes so I would know haha
good. i brought it up before...somewhere, i forget what topic it was, and didn't get any response, so i just assumed no one else had played it.
i've only done 3 routes so far, and Emi is my favorite at the moment.
Hanako is my favorite, but I followed Rin's story at first and that was just really sad (I did get the good ending, less sad but still kinda sad.)
Copy/ Paste from something i wrote on another forum earlier
my first route was Emi.
see, i loved Emi. i really did. she seemed like someone i could hang out with, her character felt...real.
when she pulled that "i can't trust you" thing, and Hisao got depressed over it, that seriously hurt, even though it was just a fictional character.
and i was so happy when that good ending came along.
with Hanako, it's just too much of the same crap, she constantly has to be forced out of her shell and never speaks up, not to mention the nervous breakdown. i can't stand people like that, not one on one.
don't get me wrong, Hanako had a good story.
it's just that i don't know how to handle the overly shy and quiet, and that frustrated me. and it annoyed me that Hisao constantly treated her like she was a wounded bird that needed to be taken care of and protected.
i liked Emi, cause she's someone you could joke with, as long as it's funny, she would laugh at an insult, he threw a pillow at her FFS.
with Hanako, he could never do anything like that. he was constantly careful not to say anything bad, and that second-guessing just made the conversations awkward
and then there was Shizune, she was...okay, i guess, a little to agresive and comptitive for my taste, and that ending was so anticlimactic
hell, Emi even got me to start jogging again, been at it for 3 weeks now.
probably gonna do the Rin route in a few days
It's an article showing heat-maps using eye-tracking software of where male and female viewers look at advertisements.
The first time I saw this technology was in the movie Looker (1981). As I recall, Albert Finney's character comes up with the excuse "I liked the model's swimsuit" after the heat-map reveals where he was looking at a TV commercial. Hard to believe they were already doing this 30+ years ago.
best picture i've seen from the NYC pride parade...
Went to NYC again. But this time,i enjoyed myself.
Went to 42nd street or more commonly known as times square. Just walked around got me a piece of art from a painter's stand on the sidewalk. Its the new york skyline in space..
Yeah so...something like that.
And on the fourth of July i went to coney Island. I got on the Cyclone:
Scared me to death.
The painting looks great. It seems so easy when you watch him do it.
On a technical difficulties side rant, does anyone have problems with the loading of youtube videos currently ? I used to be able to select the highest resolution then just pause to give the video time to load when I have a low internet connection, but it looks like they recently changed something. Now the video stops loading if I pause it, so I have to watch it in a lower quality, or watch it bit by bit, or mute it and let it play once entirely so that I can watch it afterwards once it's entirely loaded.
i have noticed it doing that, but it hasn't given me any problems since i have a fairly good connection.
on a semi-related note, my Flash keeps crashing, happens daily, and i don't know why
Yeah, I have issues about the YouTube load times as well. It's a bit annoying. Not sure why they can't load it while we wait.
My god youtube is so fukn annoying now how it only loads while you watch it, who the hell thoughht that would be a good idea?
Yeah, that sucks fucking balls.
i have noticed it doing that, but it hasn't given me any problems since i have a fairly good connection.on a semi-related note, my Flash keeps crashing, happens daily, and i don't know why
Flash as in Adobe Flash Player? It crashes regularly for me too and I can't identify a common factor in each incident. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling all Adobe programs but to no avail.
I don't know if it has anything to do with flash, but my browser keeps freezing. Not for long, less than a second each time, but very frequently. It skips frames when I watch a video, lags when I move the scroll wheel, displays what I type with a delay, etc. Maybe I should just do a complete formatting.
Anybody know what this Slender-man Bullsh*t is? I really hate urban legends.In fact.I hate anything scary. I don't like being scared.I don't know who does, must be one crazy motha fu*ka then. But seriously anyone know what this shit is?
Reading this page should give you a vague idea :
It skips frames when I watch a video, lags when I move the scroll wheel, displays what I type with a delay, etc.
Have you tried rebooting?
Thanks, but it stopped as suddenly as it began, it hasn't bothered me for a few days now. I'll try the next time it happens.
Dude! I freaking love Slenderman! For weeks I would just keep talking about him (it?) to my friends. I even wrote fiction and drew pictures. Wrote fake journal entries. Watched Marble Hornets. I got a reaallly tall friend to cosplay as him and freak people out. It was wonderful. He even inspired me to spawn a creepy side-blog as a sort of companion to my main one. Here's one of the pictures from it
Are those all the messages you can read in the game ? I saw some gameplay videos but never played it myself, so I've been wondering what the other pages say.
So I was supposed to go back to college on Monday. I found out today that they (somehow) lost all of my records indicating everything I've done to register and enroll for the school. This includes test scores, GPAs, transcripts, etc. Suddenly I call in and they say I'm not a student and that I've done nothing to prepare. So not only am I going to have to rush everything a second time in a matter of days AFTER school has started, but if I don't get in by October, I'll need to come up with $1000 for a loan I had to take out my previous year. Hard to do that with only $140 in your bank account. So now I'm job-hunting like mad.
so are you gonna be able to take care of that before it's too late?
My boss has a grant due on November 5th on my project. Not a big deal, but for the next 6 weeks I will be working like a dog to try and get meaningful results.
This isn't bad. It's actually par for the course... but I guess I can't go on my marathon AC3 session for the last week before the grant is due.
I can choose two - work, sleep, AC3.
I MUST choose work...
so it looks like I won't be getting much sleep from Oct30 to Nov5... but I REALLY like sleep!
It's unrealistic for people to know the small amount of story of the main character? Maybe they're ending it because it's the END OF DESMOND'S STORY.
It's unrealistic for people to know the small amount of story of the main character? Maybe they're ending it because it's the END OF DESMOND'S STORY.
I didn't really understand this. What is this about?
It was a comment from a thread about AC3. Someone mentioned Desmond is useless to the series and the second comment is saying that Ubisoft themselves said that they're dropping Desmond because he's a "boring" character for fans, not because they want to finish his storyline.
Here is the article where AC3 Creative Lead Alex Hutchinson made that comment about Desmond (the commenter on IGN indirectly linked to it):
It's as if Hutchinson is the new guy at Ubisoft and nobody told him about the Desmond trilogy. At this rate they will also forget to tie up references to December 21, 2012.
the game Rome Total War just pissed me off.
a few months ago i decided to start a new game, cause nostalgia.
so today i was playing my Macedon campaign.
i'm doing pretty good, having fun and all that.
then out of nowhere the thing crashes.
when i load it up all the video and graphics setting have resetted, but that's no big deal. just set thm again.
then i see that my save has somehow reverted to what it was over a month ago.
that's like 15-20 turns of work just gone
damm it all to hell.
i love that game, but now i don't think i'm ever gonna be able to pick it up again
i don't even understand how it can do that.
one thing if the save had just disappeared, but for it to go back to an older save, which shouldn't exist anymore after i had overwritten it with the newer saves.
not a rant... i just wanted everyone to know that this is the first website i'm visiting on the new internet explorer app for xbox.
not a rant... i just wanted everyone to know that this is the first website i'm visiting on the new internet explorer app for xbox.
this is the first website i'm visiting on the new internet explorer app for xbox.
on the new internet explorer app for xbox.
internet explorer app for xbox.
internet explorer
I agree.... IE sucks.... but at least there's a browser on xbox now....
why would you need one on the xbox?
So I don't have to go to my office to check my email / THB, obviously.
I don't usually have a laptop at home, and don't like to move off the couch... If I'm already on xbox and want to check THB, now I can. (It's often more of a hassle than not to check on my phone due to screen size / scrolling).
This s'noreastercane better not take out power next week.
Hey Lisa!
How many time have you wanted to do this?