Very well, that's a fair point.
I will do it as soon as my sickness clears.
Just watch this video, i think you'll kinda agree.
Ok watch this video, i think you'll kinda agree.
He brings up a lot of good points, but he (and a lot of players) seem to forget that they First Civilization weren't aliens. They were here before us. We are the product of a series of breedings between them and us.
Hmm, so technically all of our families have committed incest.
Hmm, so technically all of our families have committed incest.
? O_o
Well, hooray, I don't need to do anything.
She has a boyfriend, which, for the most part auto turns me off of any girl. I don't know why, it's just that if a girl has a boyfriend she's automatically un-attractive to me, even if she was before. It works out nice I guess, so I don't end up "stealing anyone's girl" or some craziness like that haha.
Life goes on.
Wrote a cool poem about a nuclear bomb but that seems to be about a girl leaving a guy on the SURFACE.
Lousy computer won't remember the video files on its own hard drive, so now I can't make that video I said I'd make (MLP). >_> Technology sucks.
Lousy computer won't remember the video files on its own hard drive, so now I can't make that video I said I'd make (MLP). >_> Technology sucks.
that's why?
i thought you were ignoring me
I'm not going to wear a vest if it's 20 ºC inside, that's just fucktarded. You wouldn't wear a vest if it were 20 ºC outside during the summer, so why THE FUCKING FUCK would you wear a vest when it's inside? >.<
JoeyFogey wrote:
Lousy computer won't remember the video files on its own hard drive, so now I can't make that video I said I'd make (MLP). >_> Technology sucks.that's why?
i thought you were ignoring me
Haha, no. It was going well, but something happened in the last day or two that caused my computer to forget the videos (whenever I open the project, more than half of the clips are grey, and previewing them only has a black screen). :/
I'm not going to wear a vest if it's 20 ºC inside, that's just fucktarded. You wouldn't wear a vest if it were 20 ºC outside during the summer, so why THE FUCKING FUCK would you wear a vest when it's inside? >.<
is someone forcing you to wear a vest?
Yeah, Phi's other half keeps telling him to wear a vest.
(A comment from an article on IGN about "The Amazing Spider-Man" and "The Avengers" films):
"...having a Brit play a American Icon is also hard too deal with."
Okay...........why is that bad? I've heard this comment before about other movies. This person was referring to the fact that Andrew Garfield (a British actor) is playing Spider-Man. I guess this person forgot about Henry Cavill (the new Superman), Christian Bale (Batman...I think he's Australian), Hugh Jackman (Wolverine...also Australian) and other British actors that play Americans like Hugh Laurie (House). As an American viewer, I first assumed these actors were born and raised here when I first heard their voices. The fact that they can fool me (and many others) into thinking that is pure skill. That's called "acting", and they're damn good at it.
The only problem I'd have is if there was an intentional visual change that takes away from the character (like if a character had a specific hairstyle or race or gender, and it was changed because the director was being "unique").
(A comment from an article on IGN about "The Amazing Spider-Man" and "The Avengers" films):"...having a Brit play a American Icon is also hard too deal with."
Too right. Americans are too damn parochial sometimes.
P.S. English and Australian actors ALWAYS do a much better American accent than American actors. Watching American actors attempt those accents is usually extremely cringe-worthy.
I saw American History X last night for the 3rd time in my life.
This movie always has such a huge impact on me.
Other than that, I don't particularly care much about what actors look like or what nationality they're from, I trust directors' judgement and as long as the movie is fun to watch or has a powerful message (or BOTH if you want to be REAL COOL) then I will love it love it love it.
Im having such an ASSTASTIC day.
I'm sorry you're having an asstastic day, EA. I hope I'm interpreting "asstastic" correctly.
I'm sick and tired of companies that sell crap. I was working on a quilt I'm making for my niece who's having a baby and half the fabric for the quilt shriveled up when I tried to iron it. Not much good if it can't be pressed and fabric ain't cheap.
And don't even get me started on my frakkin' horrible LG dishwasher. May they rot.
I'm sorry you're having an asstastic day, EA. I hope I'm interpreting "asstastic" correctly.![]()
Huh. I guess "asstastic" days can have both positive and negative connotations. Usually my days that are described as "asstastic" are anything but terrible ------>
I just FRAPS'd ALL of the Darkness II demo in one shot and at the end it turns out my mic wasn't set to register sound coming from it so there is no voice and it's just a bunch of videos, pure playthrough. I really liked that game.
The Darkness II Demo is my favorite First Person Shooter. I'm not kidding. The Demo ALONE. I'm imagining the full game, and how awesome it's gonna be when I finally find the means to get it.
The darknessII was a pretty good game.According to reviews, but the only downfall i got from the reviews and other videos i watched.Was that the game only provides 6 to 7 hours of gameplay. When i heard that i was kinda sad. But quickly realized how a short story could actually be a good thing.That it gets straight to the point.
Anyway.What a f*ckin week.
My friday sucked. At lunch, as soon as i put my tray on the table,my food gets snatched and eaten by the dudes sitting near me. I usally don't eat lunch. But i was hungry today!. I was so pissed.
Then on my way home.Getting on my bus,a kid was in the way and i gave him a gentle push.Inwhich he flew back and hit is head on the window ledge. I DIDN'T PUSH HIM HARD!. He hit the window himself.
So i talked to my dean today. I didn't get in trouble, being it was my first time in the school year going to her office for an issue. I didn't even mention, that after that happend and the kid started to cry like a woman, that all the people around him kept calling me a dumb ni*ger.
But at the end of the day. Im not suspended. So whatever.
I'm sorry you're having an asstastic day, EA. I hope I'm interpreting "asstastic" correctly.![]()
ASSTASTIC. the exact oppsite of "fantastic". So asstastic= extreamly horrible.
My friday sucked. At lunch, as soon as i put my tray on the table,my food gets snatched and eaten by the dudes sitting near me. I usally don't eat lunch. But i was hungry today!. I was so pissed.
do you go to school in prison?
who acts like that?!
I was going to say the school was run by templars.
Whitney houstons dead. She died just minutes ago...damn. She was only 48
That's historically accurate.
F*CK YESSSSSSSSSS. I IMBEDED AN IMAGE.Next learn how to imbed a video...
(A comment from an article on IGN about "The Amazing Spider-Man" and "The Avengers" films):"...having a Brit play a American Icon is also hard too deal with."
Reading that reminded me of this.
He was probably kidding, just saying that because in almost every Disney movie (i.e. Aladdin), the protagonist has an American accent, while the antagonist has a British accent.
It looks like the shoe is on the other foot.
Wow. Today was my last day before break. I was suprised though,No fights. Usally on a day such as this one,a fight is bound to occur .
again, i gotta ask.
if that is considered the norm, do you go to school in prison?
No. I don't blame you for think such thoughts .I'm sure being in prison would be better.
Be liked by ubigabe on face book. 20G
So on top of the UbiGabe thing today, I was offered a $15/hr warehouse part time job, caught up with a bunch of old friends, got the house to myself and relaxed, a gorgeous girl I've been talking to for about a week told me "What would make me REEEAALLY happy is if you got your butt over here so we could play Assassin's Creed, handsome!" (her way of asking me out, basically).
I haven't posted many negative rants lately because I haven't had an excuse to. Sorry to disappoint any pessimists!
EDIT: This is what UbiGabe said about the video JUST after I posted this comment to this thread...
Oh. My. God.That was breathtaking!
You know, everyone talks a lot about what a badass Ezio is and how rad it would be to be just like him, but we so rarely get to discuss what it's cost him to get to that point... and more importantly, why he did it.
This tribute demonstrates an understanding of what Ezio had to give up, both in the relationships he forged only to see them crumble despite his best efforts to sustain them and in the irrevocable emotional shifts to his personality... it speaks of loss, regret and suffering; things we rarely acknowledge were an integral part of who Ezio was.
Thanks man... really impressed over here.
Sounds like you had the best day ever.
How about you make a "Positive tread".
There can be positive rants. I just mentioned the negative lackings because most people think of rants as negative. Just clearing that up. haha
You never know.
In about four minutes, a somehow complete copy of ACIII will be at your door step.
You never know.In about four minutes, a somehow complete copy of ACIII will be at your door step.
Well, I did comment on it and asked Gabe for any secrets they had about the game. I'll update you guys if that happens.
Girl asks guy out by offering to play Assassin's Creed?
Girl asks guy out by offering to play Assassin's Creed?
Am i the only one who hates when family comes over and your stuck babysitting the young ones.
EDIT: I've been getting my ass whooped by this little girl for bout a hour now. My back is killing me.
Usually when leetle wans come over to mah houze, the way I 'babysit' them is by giving them a controller, starting up a new save/profile on a game and LOLING at them trying to play it. It's like watching Let's Plays online except with the humor rating +1000.
Sometimes the little kids start laughing too. Cutest thing ever cause the way they laugh is contagious. Now where's my popcorn?
This might sound racist,sorry.
Elimination chamber If anyones interested.
Oh my god every time my cousins come over I have to build lego with them, it is starting to drive my crazy...
Oh wow I haven't played with Legos in so long... I think I have a couple of unassembled Bionicles in a box somewhere. Thanks for the idea Jack
Jack, what are you talking about? Lego is FUCKING AWESOME!
My uh.. I uh..
My ex girlfriend who I still love deeply as a person.. She got broken up with by the girl that she left me for..
My sacrifice fell apart in front of my eyes. I shouldn't feel bad. But she doesn't deserve that. She doesn't deserve that at all, nobody deserves that. Two wrongs don't make a right. I feel cold. I just wanted her to be happy, ever since the beginning, even if it didn't involve me. Sure, pain, whatever. I knew it would suck. Eventually. But like.. This is.. I hate this. Everything feels like.. slow-motion. I know I shouldn't care but I do. I care very much. Because right now she is feeling what I felt a year ago. She is feeling it, at its epitome. Ah whatever. Don't even pay attention to me. I'm just another useless stupid teenager. I'm sure I'll attain more wisdom as time goes on and I experience more of life's bullshit in my face. I love you all. Long live TheHiddenBlade..
Assassin's Creed III, please come faster.. I require escapism.. Please..
I know I shouldn't care but I do. I care very much. Because right now she is feeling what I felt a year ago. She is feeling it, at its epitome.
I know exactly how you're feeling about that. There were a few times that I found out some exes of mine were having rough times similar to what I went through. A lot of them were those rich, ungrateful attention whores that never go through that stuff because they're scared of it, so they break up before things get bad to ignore it.
When it happens to them, I've felt happy at times because they've never gone through with it before; the tasting one's own medicine *cough*HOLLY*cough*
Other times, I feel bad because some weren't "ungratefuls." They were kind people that just didn't handle our relationship well enough and ended up hurting me. Those I feel bad for like you do her.
Every hard time in our lives is necessary. It builds character. When I entered high school, I was a little, quiet wimp. Now, I'm a big quiet wimp that has gathered that women be a strange species. You'll get through it. Ya always got the THB family at your back.