Sounds like Ubi is ripping off Patrick. THB members, get your...HBs...and let's go to Ubisoft HQ!
Why don't I have my code yet!? I use UPlay on my PS3 all the time!
Ask Sync he has a Code. In his Post Above^^
I notice the Menu and the loading screen is really similar to Brotherhood...
I got a code, as well! I asked my brother (PS3 sibling) if he wanted it first, but he already has Uplay and doesn't really care for betas. Just being courteous. If he doesn't accept, it's open to you guys!
My brother has my code. Sorry guys. haha
Hey so anyone else got a spare code? Mine hasn't arrived yet, as soon as mine arrives I can give it to another memeber!
If anyone is curious...
So I played my first match just now.... It's very similar to Brotherhood which isn't surprising. Then on my second match, I had a server error. :/
I can't even download the Beta.
The code that Jedted very kindly gave me doesn't work (possibly locked the the US?) and I still haven't had a reply from Ubisoft
Played some matches this morning, I'm level 11 at the moment. It's a lot like Brotherhood(as expected).
I've only played 'Easy Deathmatch' and Manhunt.
Some notes:
- Climbing is a bit faster
- You can stun NPC's. No penalties for that, not that I noticed at least(except that you're obivously a player)
- When you stun your pursuer and he kills you at the same time, you will get a honorable death(+100 points)
- Deathmatch mode is like wanted, except no compass, only line of sight indicator. The maps in this mode are smaller.
Might add more things once I remember them
@Patrick, perhaps have turned your notifications from Ubisoft off? I've heard that you don't get a e-mail if you have turned it off, might just be a rumor though.
Oh and my PSN ID is 'Pavan_NL' if anyone wants to add me
Some of the changes sound pretty cool!
I've already got notifications turned on but I tried turning them off and turning them back on again - no effect :s
Found out earlier this week that my xbox can get good multiplayer going, but not on ACB. I mean, I can get into matches and play, but it takes forever to find one. After I get into one, though, it runs smooth and no unexpected lag occurs. If it's a server issue and ACR has fixed that, I should be able to play it with you guys when I get it.
I'm enjoying it alot... I want to play more modes or at least find some new ones.
I can't even download the Beta.The code that Jedted very kindly gave me doesn't work (possibly locked the the US?) and I still haven't had a reply from Ubisoft
Maybe it depends on how old you are. Ubisoft might have made the beta only accessible to players who are a above a specific age. Or they're just stupid and forgot to let some people know about it.
Wow. I didn't think of the age thing but now that you mention it that could be possible.
Assassin's Creed games are rated 15 in the UK (PAL) but I suppose if they're Mature in America that would equate to an 18 rating here. I'm 17 now so that's pretty annoying if that's why
Yeah it is pretty dumb. I thought of it this morning. Sorry about that.
Ubisoft are pretty tight with things like this. I remember before I couldn't even 'like' or access the Assassin's Creed page on Facebook due to age restrictions. To change your age on Facebook you have to email them with reason why but I've done it about 5 times and they always change it without question.
On my UPlay account you have have to go to but I can't even find an area to request that they change it (without emailing them which takes ages). I got a response to my email (asking why I hadn't received my Beta Key) in which they requested my email address! I know they already have it on record - such a long-winded process!
Theres some good things but I prefer too talk about the Bad stuff first... This is just all my opinion.
1. Maps are "Too Small" Keep on hitting dead ends...Seeing a blue animus wall all the time. "I Want More Hidding Spots!!!"
2. In Easy Deathmatch I can barely find any of my personnas to hide with. Also the map becomes smaller compared to ManHunt.
3.Some abilities are back that I kinda dislike... Templar Vision.
4.Too similar to Brotherhood's MP. Except the Emblems and you have to Buy your Ablities instead of getting them from leveling up.
Good Stuff.
1.Less Glitches so far... in this beta and its decent
2.Can't to play the new modes... looks like fun
The Abstergo Credits are just a massive rip-off of CoD Points...
Some of the new Perks and Bonuses are cool though - The Animus Hack Streak is brilliant (although again it's a rip-off of Nuke in CoD)
I do like the mines you can put in front of chasebreakers for later in the session. Maybe we can all lay some at strategic points on each map before going after the other team. Then leading them into traps while our teammates await them for a high-point kill.
The Abstergo Credits are just a massive rip-off of CoD Points...Some of the new Perks and Bonuses are cool though - The Animus Hack Streak is brilliant (although again it's a rip-off of Nuke in CoD)
Animus Hack Streak? Didn't see that one... What does it exactly do?
Silent Animus Hack Streak (NEW) – When the streak counter reaches 6, you will hack the Animus, raining arrows down from the sky and killing all other Templar Agents.
Animus Hack Streak (NEW) – When the streak counter reaches 8, you will hack the Animus, raining arrows down from the sky and killing all other Templar Agents.
That's just cheap.
It's quite a cool concept but will get very annoying if playing against really high level players with all the best abilities that allow them to get loads of kills in a row. Added to that is the fact that they've just looked at the most popular Multiplayer game of today and thought 'Cool, we'll steal that, and that, and that...'
At least in CoD you need a 25 Kill Streak to trigger the Nuke.
Found out earlier this week that my xbox can get good multiplayer going, but not on ACB. I mean, I can get into matches and play, but it takes forever to find one. After I get into one, though, it runs smooth and no unexpected lag occurs. If it's a server issue and ACR has fixed that, I should be able to play it with you guys when I get it.
ya know i hate playing MP for that reason matches take like 26 minutes to an hour to get into one match that i'll either disconnect out of or its laggy as hell sucks if ACR does not fix that ima be like....
My worst fear about this game series may be realized if they do keep copying popular titles. I watched Zwoooooooosh's beta gameplay and he stayed incognito the entire time except for last-second kills. Guess who kept winning? The roof-running, discreet-happy players that don't know how to walk instead of sprint.
Looks like Ubisoft's plan to reward patient players has failed. What a f*cking surprise.
Theres some good things but I prefer too talk about the Bad stuff first... This is just all my opinion.1. Maps are "Too Small" Keep on hitting dead ends...Seeing a blue animus wall all the time. "I Want More Hidding Spots!!!"
Hmm, the maps are only small on deathmatch matches, right? I don't think it's a problem in this mode.
2. In Easy Deathmatch I can barely find any of my personnas to hide with. Also the map becomes smaller compared to ManHunt.
Yes, in fact I don't think I've seen a NPC which looks like me in any of the deathmatches I've played. I assume it's part of the game mode?
Still a lot of thinks I need to check, I'll play again tomorrow.
ya know i hate playing MP for that reason matches take like 26 minutes to an hour to get into one match that i'll either disconnect out of or its laggy as hell sucks if ACR does not fix that ima be like....
Actually, when I was using my house's modem, it only took maybe 1-2 minutes. But I think it's because I'm currently using a wireless connection now.
I thought they said that in Deathmatch, your persona is next to impossible to find. Unless they bring back the Blender perk.
The sad truth is that trying to get Incognito kills takes f*cking ages. The whole time, someone else will either steal your kill or you'll get found by your pursuer (due to the stupidly simple tracking compass) and killed on the spot with no way to defend yourself, especially if they drop out of the sky after running the rooftops like a moron
My worst fear about this game series may be realized if they do keep copying popular titles. I watched Zwoooooooosh's beta gameplay and he stayed incognito the entire time except for last-second kills. Guess who kept winning? The roof-running, discreet-happy players that don't know how to walk instead of sprint.![]()
Looks like Ubisoft's plan to reward patient players has failed. What a f*cking surprise.
I'd give you Kudos if this forum had that...
Anyways the beta is decent at least... theres some things I dislike. I just think Ubisoft is taking the Multiplayer the wrong way. Needs some Free-Roam and Coop. Like Red Dead Redemption or Demon's Souls.
I think that co-op will save it. Not Manhunt or Alliance, but story missions. Maybe just have the compass and your abilities on the screen. Nothing else. It's too overcrowded, I think.
I think that co-op will save it. Not Manhunt or Alliance, but story missions. Maybe just have the compass and your abilities on the screen. Nothing else. It's too overcrowded, I think.
Maybe Ubisoft will figure out a good fun way to have coop. But from playing Demon's Souls and RDR I really wish the Assassin's Creed Series would have some type of Coop thats fun.
I wholeheartedly agree about freeroam co-op. Confined and competitive MP doesn't fit in with the fact that the SP game is an open-world style. It can be fun for a while but I personally get bored with it very quickly and feel that there isn't enough to explore and to do. Freeroam would just be beautiful.
I wonder if 2 players would be able to kill a target at the exact same time in a co-op mission. It would have both players either at the sides of the target or front and back, hit the kill button, and both hidden blades cut through the target's throat, chest, or other vulnerable area. This action has its own set of animations.
I just thought of a Boondock Saints type of execution if it was in front of witnesses like Altair used to do, but with hidden blades. That would be cool...
Freeroam would be cool if it were similar to RDR, as you mentioned. I'd love to be able to roam a large city/kingdom and drop into certain areas of the map to take part in random games of Manhunt, Wanted etc. when I feel like it. The emphasis could be on exploring the larger area with/against friends with the true competitive matches only making up a small part of the whole experience.
Burnout Paradise does this sort of online MP pretty well, IMO. You go online with friends/other random players and can take part in races and challenges (at the whim of the session leader) but the rest of the time you just continue to freeroam the city and have fun. The transition from offline to online play is pretty much seamless - you stay in the same car, on the same road, doing the same thing, but with other players!
ah a freeroam AC MP thats like asking for a character creator in a dbz game.... oh wait ....
ah a freeroam AC MP thats like asking for a character creator in a dbz game.... oh wait ....![]()
Why does anime always have to push its way into everything on this site, now?
Also, I'm not sure what you even mean by "oh wait". They have nothing to do with each other...
hey !! its better than......ah.....hold im thinking............ok ......i got nothing.....
EzioAltair17 wrote:
ah a freeroam AC MP thats like asking for a character creator in a dbz game.... oh wait ....![]()
Why does anime always have to push its way into everything on this site, now?
Also, I'm not sure what you even mean by "oh wait". They have nothing to do with each other...
it wont happen any time soon is the point i mean it took 11 games for dbz to add a C.C.
I actually think it'll happen pretty soon. As of now, all the game modes are pretty much the same. The next installment will most likely have a brand new way to play. And you know how much Ubi likes to change gameplay with AC (see height difference in air to assassinate methods: AC1 - AC2).
hmmm yeah they could give us a half assed free roam mode or they could give us the freeroam i suggested months ago either way ill be some what happy
Being a pessimist won't help make it any better.
............ hey im just typing my opinion
and i thought i sucked at mp
Apparently I'm not the only one not to receive a Beta key, despite meeting the requirements.
According to the official AC and Ubi forums, a whole load of people have been completely screwed over. Some people are suggesting that users who don't play AC that much have been prioritised to entice them. Personally, I think that's rubbish but there's definitely something going on...
I didn't get it via email, just checked the PSN store and found it there available...
Sadly the place I'm at has a lousy net connection but at least I've got it...
That's because you're a PS+ Member, Vhan! No code necessary for you lucky people.
Saw a few matches on YouTube. Someone trying to run around and get as many kills as possible (to get a Hack Streak) scored like 8950 points in Deathmatch.
Dammit, Ubi!
I just did this in manhunt, it was extremely unsatisfying when I got the streak. I then did it legit with the 7 silent kill streak, the result... il upload soon.
That's because you're a PS+ Member, Vhan! No code necessary for you lucky people.
Good thing I renewed my subscription then... xD