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San Peitro (Saint Peters) Area Exploit (pics included)

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Vanitas's picture
Joined: 06/03/2010

Hey guys thought i would show off a little exploit i know of i found it on my first run because i didnt think to open the door after following the cardinal.... yeah big fail thare ANYWAY i found this in the processes and its good to kill some time in acb and may lead to possible eaglestrikes (if u dont mind being desync )
ok the first thing u want to do is get to the point after u blend to follow the cardinal and finish the cut scene after that blend you way across the hall to the other wall on your right u can c alot of construction work run down thare till u get to whare its shown in the picture

this is whare it is on your minimap if u cant find it

from thare on you just go up the the brick pallet and jump to the arc above the painting
like so

from thare turn to your right and youll see a barley gripable wall you need to do wall transition to get up to thare (u might not but just to be safe)

also note how my target hasn't moved lol

from thare just shimmy on to the right till you get to the ledge (i have marked it)

now jump across climb up and jump across again (much like in the chase sequence)

and from here on its pretty much do what you want ill throw in a few more pics of note just for lulz

(a way up in case i fall bridge ) clearly not fallen because of no stronzo cardinal XD

the collapsed noidge not collapsed but if you try to run on it you will just phase through because of no solid surface

the window the cardinal closes on you on the inside and outside but u cant walk through anyway because DUH ur not supposed to

awesome view from outside with no CHASEful stress :b

last thing ill add i mentioned u could POSSIBLY eagle strike the cardinal (but get desync) ill show u how to get to him since it took me a little while to figure out
first get outside to this building its easy enough to get to and its also near a borgia flag

go inside and drop down then move your camera till u see this set of scaffolding

climb up and you should be in another room easy to tell ur in the right area because thare will me a merchandise life thare that is unusable (for obvious reasons)

turn around and vollah a completely immobile target for the picking
also from here u can activate the chase but u have to face away from the gate to activate it because according to the game you shouldn't be on tha side XD

and thare you go since we cant explore it on our own outside of the Romulus tomb now u SORT of can now and i am aware i suck at typing so yeah few mistakes here and thare also sorry for the bad phone pics
other than that enjoy


s1lv3r4554551n's picture
Joined: 10/20/2010

Nice! Always cool to see the magic the devs put into games that make 0 sense IRL.

Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

Wow Vanitas.
You practically deconstructed the level design in this secret location ROFL.
Nice one, and I don't mind the phone pics, anything visual helps a lot!

Vanitas's picture
Joined: 06/03/2010

thanks guys :] i think its a nice substitute for not being able to fully explore st peters :b i love hanging around the stormy area to XD (im a storm and rain addict)

Byas's picture
In my Villa
Joined: 10/13/2010

I love rainy days... Reasons to move in Seattle WA
This chase scene was probably the best in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood ..
Reminded me of Uncharted Tongue

Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

Yeah, it was great.

Will M 1235's picture
Will M 1235
England, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Joined: 11/14/2010

I've just done this and ur a genius for figuring it out. Great fun abusing an immobile cardinal Smile

previously massmurder.

161803398874989's picture
Joined: 12/13/2010

I've messed around with this yesterday. It is possible to kill civilians by throwing them in the water. I haven't tried using a blade yet. Also, the cardinal is immobile and has a few remarkable qualities. For instance, even though he's an enemy (red glow in Eagle Vision), you can't poison him. You can lock on him (not sure if I could because I had thrown him on the ground), but a poison dart will have no effect. You can kill him with throwing knifes and the like. I haven't tried with the hidden blade or any other weapon yet. He also doesn't react to throwing money, at all.

Secondly, I found a way to get under the map. You do the exploit from the OP, then go all the way to where you run over the roof. During that part of the chase sequence, the cardinal climbs up a ladder. Dropping down there will land you under the map. You can swim towards the Romulus lair. The water you jump in is the same height as the water you are swimming in under the map. Sadly, I've yet to find a way to pass the walls and get to the treasure, or this would've been an awesome post. I mean, we could've skipped the whole chase and all that! Tongue


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."