I have two announcements regarding THB staff and coverage.
First of all, I'd like to welcome LisaMurphy as the new forum moderator. She has graciously agreed to keep an eye on the forums and "handle" problem comments and users. Please extend the same respect to Lisa as you would to me. You can read a little more about her on our About page.
Secondly, IanXO4 will be filling in as site administrator for the month of September. He knows how to fix common problems that may arise. I don't anticipate any downtime. You probably won't even notice the difference.
As for me, I have big plans for September. stabgal and I just sold our house! The closing date is September 6. The next day we're leaving for a three week vacation. Part of it is paid by Intel because I won the grand prize in their programming contest. There's an Honors Dinner in San Francisco where I will accept an award.
Technically, we will be homeless (and rich ) while on vacation. When we get back to Hawaii we will be living in a hotel while shopping for our next home. I don't know when my Xbox and DVD recorder will be set up again. They've already been packed for storage.
So that's why I will be offline for most of September, especially after the 6th. The site will be in good hands with Ian and Lisa.
Congratulations, Lisa (Mom)!
And enjoy your well-earned holiday, stabby. See you soon!
Enjoy your Holiday Stab~ :3
You deserve it...!
Congratulations, Lisa! You'll make a great mod, I'm sure.
Have a good time on your trip, stab.
enjoy your vacation stab
lisa and Ian
have a great one stab i believe i have a song just for you to celebrate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYWGBqh1v_w
WTF was that and why did i watch the whole damn thing 0_o
Just as long as we have an Ian chat in September it's all good.
Just as long as we have an Ian chat in September it's all good.
Ah, good point! I look forward to it
Mwahahaha! Just a few more days before I become supreme ruler of... oh snap was that out loud?
.... a bit yeah.....
Congrats, Stab! Enjoy your time away!
Hopefully this will give Ian a good excuse to come online more.
And who else thinks Lisa should also have the title "Mother of THB"? Technically, we'd have 2 fathers (Ian and Stabguy), but that means 2 Christmases!
Haha, Joey! Mother of THB is the perfec title! She has proclaimed herself to be Mom (not of THB but w/e) so it's only right that we address her as so
Congrats on the "promotion", if I may say.
Sorry for the off topic, I take the opportunity to ask a question :
What's the limit on how long a post can be ? Would putting several spoiler tags an "acceptable" workaround to lighten its length ?
Are you planning something huge then, Sync? I'm intrigued...
i dont know of any limit to the post length, but you should check with stab. write a pm before his trip to make sure he sees the message. (and of course, make sure that you arent abusing the forum by making the lengthy post, which goes without saying)
Yes and no, as it is not finished yet. I wouldn't like to continue if there is no way to make it work here. The main problem being the length, as in, around a dozen pages on Word. :/
Edit: Thanks Ian, I'll try and message Stab.
Looking at the HTML of the page, there doesn't seem to be a restriction for post length on your side. However, the filesize may be limited on the server, so I'd stick to pieces of around 3 mb to be save.
If it really is that long you could explain what it is and then put the main article in one spoiler tag to allow those who aren't interested in reading it to just avoid it.
Or of course if you're creating a new thread topic just go for it
Yes, I was planning to create a new topic for it. And according to Stab, the maximum length is up to around 5 MB. So there shouldn't be a problem.
And who else thinks Lisa should also have the title "Mother of THB"?
Stop slouching, young man!
Clean your plate or no dessert!
Get that room tidy, now!
If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?
There. That's out of my system now.
When we get back to Hawaii we will be living in a hotel while shopping for our next home.
Check out my new digs:
stabgal and I are back from vacation and living large in a Waikiki resort. We may be here for weeks depending upon how the house search goes. Vacation was relaxing but it's good to be home in Hawaii. It will be even better to get back into our own home, reunited with our two cats and all of our possessions (including my Xbox).
Ian and Lisa did a fantastic job running the site in September. I've asked them to keep it up until I can get reoriented here.
funny thing just happened, i'm looking at this topic on my break at the welder-place.
one guy just said "oh, a pic of Dead Island?"
it looks beautiful BTW, is it often that clear weather?
I was thinking Dead Island as well. haha
Beautiful place. Hopefully I can go someday.
Hey stab! That resort looks wonderful
this this makes me wanna break out into a musical number
is it often that clear weather?
Yes, this picture was taken on a typical day. The average temperature in Honolulu is a daily high of 29°C (84°F) with an overnight low of 21°C (70°F). It doesn't differ much from summer to winter. You can swim in the ocean year round. Most days we have trade winds, partly cloudy with a chance of passing showers.
Went there two spring breaks ago. Stab and I didn't get to hang because I was on the big island and he was in Honolulu but it still stands as the most beautiful place I've ever visited other than Santorini, Greece.
Funds permitting, I want to retire there. I can't think of anywhere better to spend the final years of my life.
Lucy in the sky with diamonds...
We may be here for weeks depending upon how the house search goes.
We moved into a rental house over the weekend. It's a pretty cool place with a big koi pond that comes right up to the back deck. This will be our temporary home for months (hopefully less than a year) while we continue to look for the right house to buy. It's sure nice to have the cats back and to taste stabgal's home cooking again!
We purchased some temporary furnishings including a 40" LCD TV. I figure it will make a good bedroom TV or video editing monitor when we get our big screen back. In the upcoming weeks I plan to do some storage locker diving in hopes of finding my Xbox, DVD recorder, and other essential gear.
I hope so. Revelations is less than two weeks away!
im not getting it on release day
We purchased some temporary furnishings including a 40" LCD TV. I figure it will make a good bedroom TV or video editing monitor when we get our big screen back. In the upcoming weeks I plan to do some storage locker diving in hopes of finding my Xbox, DVD recorder, and other essential gear.
I hope so. Revelations is less than two weeks away!
Speaking of which... I'm guessing Stabby isn't too thrilled about having to make more flag videos. Perhaps the flag videos could be divided among him, Ian and any willing volunteers with good enough recording devices (just a thought). Then they could get on to the cool videos.
I think I've uncovered Ian's true identity. This also explains why I haven't seen any posts from him lately.
I plan to do some storage locker diving in hopes of finding my Xbox, DVD recorder, and other essential gear.
I went locker diving both Saturday and Sunday. While I did manage to bring home some furnishings for our temporary home, the electronics continue to evade me.
It's a daunting task. We have two lockers, each of which is 10' wide x 15' deep x 10' tall (3.05m x 4.57m x 3.05m). One was professionally packed to the ceiling: 1500 cubic feet of solid possessions. The other one is about 75% full. Today I was working through the first one, carefully moving stuff into the hallway and remembering how it all fits back together. I didn't even make it halfway to the back of the locker. It doesn't help that the movers failed to label some of the boxes.
One option I'm considering is to buy a new Xbox 360 S. My old Xbox 360 Pro (in storage, somewhere) is 5 years old now and has survived two RROD's. A new Xbox could double as a DVD player. It wouldn't address the recording/editing issue but at least I could play Revelations and know what you guys are talking about. Any advice? Wait for Black Friday?
Here's the best advice: Haggle yourself a new Xbox. And while your at it haggle us a couple hundred AC Revelations, that shouldn't be a problem. On the more serious side it sucks that you can't record, I guess that's what happens when Abstergo helps you move.
Here's the best advice: Haggle yourself a new Xbox. And while your at it haggle us a couple hundred AC Revelations, that shouldn't be a problem. On the more serious side it sucks that you can't record, I guess that's what happens when Abstergo helps you move.
THB should be getting free copies for glitch-finding/testing purposes.
JoeyFogey wrote:
And who else thinks Lisa should also have the title "Mother of THB"?If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?
There. That's out of my system now.
Well, Mom, yes I would, if they were jumping into haystacks.. Do I make you proud yet?
Woo-hoo! A member of my family has agreed to loan me an Xbox so that I can at least play through Revelations starting tomorrow.
I guess that's what happens when Abstergo helps you move.
Nah, it wasn't that bad. These were actually the best movers I've ever hired. To anyone living on Oahu I would recommend 2 Guys & A Truck. Their name is misleading - 7 guys showed up but only 1 guy owns the company. Another one of the guys had a talent for wrapping fragile items. He would disassemble cardboard moving boxes to create new boxes of an exact size and shape - octagonal or whatever. On the other end of the spectrum were a couple of muscle men for the heavy lifting. It was a good team. I can forgive them for minor inconveniences like not labeling all the boxes.
When stabgal and I were planning this move we made three categories:
A. Clothes and things for our vacation were packed into suitcases.
B. Short-term items for when we got back could stay in our cars.
C. Long-term possessions for our next home went into storage.
Now, some electronics and dishes should have gone into category B. What I failed to consider was that we needed room in our cars to transport category A luggage. As a result, category B got cut to the bone. Things that would be useful right now (while renting) were put into storage. I guess we should have worked with the movers to ensure that these boxes went into the front of the lockers. Oh, well. I still think we did a good job coordinating a real estate sale, a move, and a vacation all for the same date.
Well, Mom, yes I would, if they were jumping into haystacks.. Do I make you proud yet?
Always, DAZ.
Yayyy! ^_^
Here's an update on my housing situation. stabgal and I are buying a new house! We move in at the end of January, which is around the same time my Roxio Game Capture arrives. The prizes from the contest will be mailed in mid-January, so that's not going to help me make Revelations videos any sooner.
Anyway, we love the new house. It's a large single-level on a ridge with a sweeping view of the Pacific Ocean.
I expect things to be quiet on THB for the next couple of days as we all will be spending time with our families. Merry Christmas, everyone!
We moved into our new house one month ago and I seem to be getting farther away from playing AC and making videos. Don't get me wrong. I love the house and there's a space dedicated for my gaming and editing (no more sharing a TV). It's just that my area will be among the last to get set up. This week we're getting another room painted and the overflow from that room got piled in around my desk. I haven't even hooked up my Xbox yet. Argh!
Maybe this belongs in the Rant Thread...
We moved into our new house one month ago and I seem to be getting farther away from playing AC and making videos.Don't get me wrong. I love the house and there's a space dedicated for my gaming and editing (no more sharing a TV). It's just that my area will be among the last to get set up. This week we're getting another room painted and the overflow from that room got piled in around my desk. I haven't even hooked up my Xbox yet. Argh!
Maybe this belongs in the Rant Thread...
I'm glad you said it before someone else did! Mind you, this is a very serious and concerning update about a member of THB staff so it certainly fits.
Hopefully you set it all up soon and can get back to your stabbing ways!
Mind you, this is a very serious and concerning update about a member of THB staff so it certainly fits.
We THBers are a support group. Hopefully we can discuss all this stuff and more at the next chat.
Well, guys and gals (mainly guys, of course ). Just a quick note to let y'all know that I'll be offline for the 2nd half of May.
Since I'm sure you're dying to know, I'll just tell you. Husband and I are celebrating 25 years of marriage this year, so we're taking a riverboat cruise. We begin in Amsterdam and sail on the Rhine and the Danube, ending in Vienna. We leave here on the 13th and return home on the 31st.
I'll bore you... I mean, update you with all the interesting stories and wonderful views from the trip after I return. If I find myself climbing any buildings, then leaping into haystacks - well, then we'll just have to assume that I've ascended to a higher plane of existence. (It could happen!)
Husband and I are celebrating 25 years of marriage this year, so we're taking a riverboat cruise.
Happy Anniversary!
We begin in Amsterdam and sail on the Rhine and the Danube, ending in Vienna.
So much for that "Where in the world is LisaMurphy?" game I had planned.