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A Tale of Tragedy

6 replies [Last post]
Lilkanyon's picture
Weed, CA
Joined: 11/05/2009

A man, around 30 years old. 215k mortgage, car payment. Also a wife, who works, a 16 month old child, and oh...btw...his wife pregnant with their second child. Things were going fine until.....the MMO!
Demands for presence during specific events, promotions to officer which demanded time as a leader.
In time, wife and child fell away. All that was left was the demands of the game. Making calls for game business during work hours. Letting break time overrun. Warnings issued, warnings ignored. Job lost.
Thousands spent. Debt incurred. Nothing gained. A stark warning for those that play for the respect and glory in MMO's. Make a list of what in your life is most important to you. If you find the game is usurping that list, its time to re-evaluate the purpose of why you play. Keep always in mind, no matter how big and bad you become in any MMO, they will never be there like your family will, even when you fall, and you will fall, eventually. I have seen this time and time again, like drug addiction, and do not think it won't happen to you.
I am not saying don't play MMO's, just play in moderation and beware if you find them making more demands of you then your life can give.

Here's to you as good as you are. Here's to me as bad as I am. As bad as I am, and as good as you are, I'm as good as you are, as bad as I am.

previously vegetable's picture
previously vegetable
Joined: 04/21/2011

This isn't only true for MMO's. I've recently made it a point to stop playing games, hell, only yesterday I deleted all backups of save files for AC games (all games 100%, some several times). Thinking of selling the games, but realize I don't want to make other people addicted just because I'm quitting.

Some people may be able to play in moderation, but considering the addictive nature of games, I just can't bring myself to it. I have to quit completely. Would recommend /r/stopgaming.

I had a great time with AC, and with you guys here on this forum, but really, my time spent gaming was just a distraction from my otherwise miserable life. Best of luck to you all! Smile

ROB_88's picture
up north
Joined: 11/11/2009

well...that was depressing as fuck

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009
Lilkanyon wrote:
Things were going fine until.....the MMO!

Thanks a lot for blabbing my story to the whole website, lilk. Stare
I told you I was going to look for another job, just as soon as I finish this raid...

You won't even feel the blade.

Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

I personally wouldn't be able to give up gaming because of the connection it strengthens between me and people I see face-to-face every single day. These people are like brothers and sisters to me, and as far as I'm aware, playing games doesn't detract from our lives as much as something like... Aimlessly spending time on the Internet instead of staying focused, for example. And when it comes to that, nothing can be done but sheer Will and Discipline, since you can't very well sell your computer or cut your Internet connection and still be a relevant human being in this ever-connected world/society/economy.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010
Lilkanyon wrote:
Letting break time overrun. Warnings issued, warnings ignored. Job lost.

I knew it was going to end badly right before reading "job lost". I may not be as enthusiastic about working after seven years of employment, but even then there are things that cannot be neglected. As a manager once said about a fired employee, "he talked the talk, but didn't walk the walk".

Unless you can somehow make a living off gaming (which would be awesome, but few can), it'd be wise to think of it as a hobby, not too high on your list of priorities.

stabguy wrote:
I told you I was going to look for another job, just as soon as I finish this raid...

If a business owner could actually get fired by his employees for under-performing, things would be so much more right in the world. Laughing out loud

Lilkanyon's picture
Weed, CA
Joined: 11/05/2009

Yep that was depressing....and funny...and informative.... Sorry, I did have to crack up at Rob and Stabby on those responses. I wish you luck Stem if you think you can cold turkey gaming. I have gotten addicted to games like AC and Mass Effect but at least they have an end. And they don't demand a human element depending on you. Thats why MMO's are most dangerous. (I would love to raid with Stabby one day if we ever met up in one...that would be awesome! i'd run around Tbagging every dead NPC just to drive him nuts! Leeeroyyyy!).

Here's to you as good as you are. Here's to me as bad as I am. As bad as I am, and as good as you are, I'm as good as you are, as bad as I am.