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Additional Back to the Future Assassinations

aurllcooljay's picture
[Front-paged. -stabguy]

A collection of additional assassinations in AC1, made possible by back to the future exploit.

Start this the same way as the original early assassination of Maria.
Reinitialize the memory by going through the city entrance in the south of Jerusalem. The game doesn't recognize Maria as a target anymore. Now there is no memory corridor scene, and Maria stays dead. It's probably possible to get an instant kill from this by taking out her health and talking to the bureau leader, but I didn't have enough time to record more.

Start this the same way as the original early assassination of Sibrand.
Reinitialize the memory by going through the city entrance in the north part of Acre (there's also an entrance in the eastern part, but you desynch before getting there from the game thinking you already started the mission). Sibrand usually goes onto the docks and walks back and forth along them just like the guard patrol. He's unresponsive to you, but still reacts to seeing dead bodies (in the original Back to the Future assassination he can detect you and would run back to the ship to get to the guard tower). Now that the game doesn't recognize him as a target there's no memory corridor scene. You can also take out his health for an instant kill, but it isn't very interesting.

This is a bit different than the first Back to the Future kill on Jubair.
In the first one I restarted the mission after an instant kill during the scene. This time, however, I restarted the mission after the scene by removing city alert. Here's the difference:
Since I didn't reach the last checkpoint to the assassination in the first one the game spawned Jubair in the Madrasah Al-Kallasah along with the other scholars. But now that I killed Jubair after the cutscene and restarted the mission, the game spawned him where he appears after the scene. He still has the basic AI to run to the guard tower and fight you when he gets there (his "clone" might even appear to fight you). If you get close enough to the Madrasah Al-Kallasah he will appear back in there. So I throw him over the invisible line, and when his health is gone Altair automatically assassinates him. Altair appears in the building, with no sign of Jubair or his "clone". The other scholars are there with their normal AI.

Abul Nuquod
Start this the same way as the original early assassination of Abul Nuquod.
Take out his health and talk to the bureau leader to start the assassination mission (I took out his health by the fountain inside the palace). When you reach his palace there doesn't appear to be any guards around for the mission. (At the front at least. I didn't check around the whole place) Now for the assassination. Abul is missing, along with his bodyguards and a few characters in the scene. During most of the cutscene the camera points downward. Right after the scene the game recognizes Abul as a target, resulting in an instant kill. It seems Abul glitched through the ground (along with some civilians), which was no longer modeled in the game (from being far away), when I was starting the mission.

sync's picture
Joined: 06/13/2011

The Abul cutscene reminds me of thriller movies where the suspense builds up with shots of the murderer's feet walking slowly and random images of shadows on walls.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

I expect to hear jokes from this. So I guess Desmond is the great great great great great great grandson of Altair and a dead Templar.

sync wrote:
The Abul cutscene reminds me of thriller movies where the suspense builds up with shots of the murderer's feet walking slowly and random images of shadows on walls.

Any good thrillers you would recommend?

sync's picture
Joined: 06/13/2011

No unfortunately, I only have vague memories of some movies from quite some time ago. not enough to put names on them though. I would say the pillar of thrillers is The Silence of the Lambs, if you haven't seen it already.

161803398874989's picture
Joined: 12/13/2010

The final few seconds of the vid were hilarious. Laughing out loud Altaïr in limbo with Abu'l and the guests. Tongue

What also strikes me about this is that, currently, finding stuff doesn't seem to be a matter of creativity, rather than time. We haven't really seen any new exploits, so it's just a matter of trying stuff that's known already.


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."